Ludel vs Yinu

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With Ludel and Fifi....

Ludel and Fifi are with the Loonatics and Lumina, they see Yinu playing piano*


Silva- Duck !

Yinu: Hey! You guys are interuppting my practice!

Lumina: Yinu, we know you have the 4th heart piece

Fifi- Please give it to us !

Yinu: No, I promise Lord Void I guard it!

Ludel: Hey! Yinu!

Yinu looks at him*

Ludel: I challenge you to a piano battle!

Fifi- Ludel no!

Yinu: Oh really? What's the bet?

Ludel: If one of us wins, we can keep the piece of the heart, the loser will get it's piano broken!

Yinu: Your on!

Fifi whimpers

Fifi- Ludel...

Ludel kisses her hand: I got this my love

Musica: Becarful dad

Fifi giggles dreamily

Ludel went to Yinu, he took out his foldable piano and cracks his knuckles, he begins to play*

Fifi amd the others watch

Yinu's mother: Yinu, you piano battle with him, while I deal with these heroes

Yinu- Yes mother.

The Loonatics fight her

Ludel continues to play the piano*

The Loonatics fight Yinus mother as Ludel battles with Yinu as Fifi helplessly looks back and forth

Ludel's magic notes fired at Yinu, Yinu dodged with her piano*

Fifi- Oh !

Lexi blasts her Mother but she started blasting until she sees Fiif distracted

The mother came towards her*

Fifi- Thats it Ludel ! Keep playing !

Yinu's mother blast Fifi*

Fifi- Ahh !

Fifi's scream of pain alerted Ludel and he looks as Fifi falls to the ground severely wounded

Ludel growls: Oh you did a big mistake! *cracks knuckles*

Ludel plays louder to unleash lots of magic notes*

Yinu- Huh ?!

Ludel's magic notes hit Yinu's mom*

Yinu's mother yelled in pain

Yinu- Mother !!

Ludel's music notes went to Yinu's piano and the notes break it in half*

Yinu- Noooooooooooo !!!

Ludel stands up: Hmph! And that is how you play piano! *went to Fifi* Fifi! Are you okay?

Fifi whines and looks up

Fifi-Ludel ?

Ludel: I won!

Fifi- You won ?

Ludel: I did!

Fifi- That's nice amour !

Fifi tries to stand up but she quickly falls down from the blast to her stomach

Ludel: Oh, we need to get you healed!

Yinu gave Lumina the 4th piece of the heart*

Ludel carries Fifi.

Back with Malikai....

He told everyone everything about the Nowhere King

Savy looks at him*

Malikai- And Thats why he wants to kill us. He doesn't care if he takes those both options : he wants to be united as Elkerto again or he wants to die

Bullzeye: Yikes!

Malikai- Yeah... So it wasnt Elk's fault. Becaus eof his Human Half torturing him for 20 long years in a small dungeon , you be joking if it didnt have no bad effect on him

Alyssa is shocked*

Savy- Its true. We went into his memories and found his elk self. So this tells you he isn't entirely evil. He just want to be free

Tony: I see

Lumina and the others came: We're back, we got the 4th piece of his heart!

Ace: Um.... what did we miss?

They all looked at each other silent.

All- The Nowhere King....

Lumina gasped*

Ludel: Well we have another problem, Fifi is hurt

Malikai- Tigs, help fifi. We have something to say about the Nowhere King...

Tigs: Of course, come with me Ludel *as the two went with Fifi*

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