Drake tells the truth

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Meanwhile at the ring of wrath*

Drake is throwing darts at the pictures of Minimus and Christophe*

Drake: Stupid teensie and boy, ruining my moment trying to kiss the girl, ugh, how can this get any worse?

Blitzo kicks the door open with Striker


Drake: Ah! Oh, you two again!

Blitzo stomped over to.him.

Blitzo- Ya damn right ya womanizer! I know you have my daughter Maisie now give her back!!

Drake: What are you talking about I don't have her! I was planning on kidnapping her someday, but not today!

Blitzo- Yeah right ! Read this asshole !

Blitzo slammed the note in his face

Drake: Dude, this isn't my handwriting

Blitzo- Call me dude?! Striker beat his ass for me !!

Drake: I swear, I don't have her!

Blitzo- Check the bedrooms for me Striker please ! I'm too pissed !

Striker checks the bedrooms, Maisie is not in any of them*

Minimus: Drake is telling the truth!

Blitzo- You know what since Im mad, I have a new way of beating people up. (To Drake) Here hold this football for a minute

Drake holds it: Okay?

Blitzo leaves for a minute before he zoomed back ramming Drake into the wall wearing a football helmet.

Blitzo- YEAH ! NOT IN THIS FAMILY SNAKEY !!! Take that butter fingers !

Drake: That hurt!

Blitzo- I bet it did! (Takes off his helmet) The note is funny because it said " I did it !" Drake penis With a drawing of your penis !

Drake is deadplanned*

Blitzo- Striker !! Where the hell are you?! I feel like Im alone!!

Striker hugs him from behind: You know your sexy when your strong Blitzy

Blitzo-( Blushes ) Oh ! Striker !

Striker purrs on him*

Blitzo moans a little.

Blitzo- Okay okay , becayse Im going to stay behind a little ( To Drake ) YOU are going to helo get Maisie back with her two boyfriends !

Drake: I don't know where she is! All I know is I was eating breakfast this morning, I got a call from my brother he is getting married to some human girl, and he told me I'm not invited, stupid brother

Blitzo- (An idea) Thats it! She could be there ! You three are going over there !!

Drake: Why me?!

Blitzo- 1: I don't like you. 2: You tried to hit on my daughter . 3 : because you're his brother so DEAL WITH IT!!!

Drake: Fine, I'll help you get her back

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