The kwami grimoire

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With Grievous x Roxanne...

Grievous holds her waist as he thtusts inside her.

Roxanne- Ahh~.....

Grievous thrusts more*

Roxanne- Grievous..... Oh Grievous....

Grievous: Yes! Yes!

Roxanne moans in delight and looks at her first lover dominating her

Grievous: I'm close my love...

Roxanne- Oh... Uh... Baby.... I.. I am..

Grievous thrusts faster*

Roxanne then bends back down and bites onto the sheets muffling as she feels Grievous holding her waiat tight.

Roxanne- Mmph... Mmm.... Mm...

Grievous then came*

Roxanne stops biting as she muffled and lets go before she is hungry for more and pins Grievous down

Grievous: Oh!

Roxanne first gets on him riding position

Grievous smiles*

Roxanne blushes and feels lustful as she feels his long legs

Grievous smiles*

Monty waits for Roxanne*

Monty sees Alec walking by amd pulls him.

Alec- Hwy ! What gives pops !

Monty: Where's your mother?

Alec- Wait.... Emi My real mom or my half Mom Roxanne ?

Monty: Your half mom Roxanne

Alec- I dont know.

Monty: She's probably with Grievous

At the castle of the crystal, Savy is looking at the books in SkekOk's library*

Smarty- What are you looking at babe ?

Arabella- yeah Saaaavvvy! I can't believe everyone forgot I worked here !!

Savy: Oh just looking at the books honey

Smarty- Okay...

Savy sees a strange one: Ooh, what's this?

SkekOk: Hmm, oh that's Malikai's miraculous grimoire, he hasn't used it for so long

Arabella- (Warningly) DON'T. SNOOP.

Tikki: Oh, I remember this! It has some recipes for power ups for us kwamis

Arabella- Ha ! Nice try ! You ain't tempting me ! ( But thinks otherwise ) Is that all ?

Tikki: Well, it has 7 power ups like fire, water, space or ice

Arabella is amazed*

Arabella- Oooooh !

Savy: We can use this, SkekOk, is it okay if we can keep this book?

SkekOk: Sure go ahead

Arabella- I would tell Malikai right now but he's at the meeting talkibg about.... ( Whispered) The Nowhere King..

SkekOk gasped and she looks at hin.

Arabella- What?!

Savy: Who's that?

Arabella- Remember the memory with that Elk Sav ?

Savy: Yes?

Arabella- The Elk is the NOWHERE KING !! Remember he said he begged to be free to his centaur form ! He showed his past to us !

Smarty: Oh, right.

Savy: Well let's go find Malikai.

Arabella nodded yes*

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