How Grievous got his new look

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Meanwhile at Toon patrol hq, Sonia rubs her 8th month belly*

Snake smiles and snuggles her and Viper

Willow is still upset

Silent hugs her holding Cocoa*

Willow smiles.

Willow- I still cant believe I did that....

Silent: I know honey

Willow- Your forgive me right ?

Silent: Of course I do

Willow smiles befpre a male fox walks by and slaps her butt

Willow- Oh !

Silent: Hey!

Fox: What, she's so sexy

Willow then feels him squeeze her butt mext.

Willow- Oh !

Silent: You better stop it....

Fox: Or else what?

Willow looks before she sees the fox about to touch her butt again

Silent growls as he turns into a big dragon*

Willow is shocked with Cocoa

Silent roars at the fox, the Fox whimpers*

Silent: You stay away from her, now leave!

The fox nodded and leaves*

Willow is shocked and looks at her husband

Silent looks at her: Are you okay?

Willow-( Smiles ) Im okay.... Im okay..

Silent smiles and kisses his wife before Willow giggles making her parents smile.

Back with Roxanne....

Roxanne blushes as she watches Grievous finished training

Roxanne- Hubba hubba.....

Grievous smiles*

He walks over to her and she looks*

Grievous walked to her: So how do you like my training?

Roxanne-( Blushes ) It's amazing... Especially in your new form~

Grievous smiles, Alexa barks*

Roxanne gigglws.

Roxanne- So what made you want to change your form ?~

Grievous: To be more sexy for you

Roxanne- ( Blushes ) Well it's working. How ~


Grievous went to Mordred's lab*

Mordred hums as his babies watch him

Grievous: Mordred

Mordred-( Looks ) Hm ? Yes bro?

Grievous: Can you give me a new and improved look?

Mordred- Huh ? Why ?

Grievous: I want to be more good looking for Roxy

Mordred- Oh. Okay then

4 minutes later, Grievous lays on the table*

Mordred gasped and looks amazed.

Grievous: How did the surgery go?

Mordred- Fantastic ! Look !

Grievous looks at the mirror*

He sees he is in his 2003 form

Grievous smirks: Perfect....

Flashback ends....

Roxanne tail wags before she sees her baby is now asleep amd looks at him

Grievous chuckles*

Roxanne- Looks like Lexa's out like a light.

Grievous: I know

Grievous gets an idea and smirks before he pulls Roxanne to her.

Roxanne- What ?

Grievous: Want to kiss me?

Roxanne-( Smiles ) I would love to~

Grievous kisses her*

Roxanne- Mmm...

Grievous kisses her with lust and she kisses him back.

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