Void has Darceus

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Back inside...

Vexa- ( Shocked ) You cheated.....

Preacher: I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride

Blitzo kicks the door down.


Void: Oh your too late, they're already married! *holds the hell pokeball* And I got what I want!

Vexa stands up angry.

Vexa- That's because you lied Daddy !!

Void looks at her: Excuse me?

Vexa gasped*

Vexa- Im Not betraying!!! NOT BETRAYING!!! But you lied to me!! You promised me you wouldn't make any threats !

Void: We are having a talk when we get home! *looks at the heroes* Welp, it's time to make our leave heroes!

Satan Jr: Wait! What about my father being free?

Void: Yeah, about that, he still needs to be locked up for disobeying me. Have a nice time with your new wife. *as he teleported out with his kids and nephews*

Blitzo-(glares) Nice going asshole.

Drake- Yeah brother are you really THAT STUPID?!

Satan Jr: What, he said he'll let my father go!

Drake-(Glares) You mean OUR father?! Have your forgotten Damien and Emi?! And how could you trust him?!

Blitzo-(Glares) I am very unhappy right now!!!

Maisie: Daddy! *runs to him*

Blitzo hugs her tight*

Blitzo- Is it true what that snake bitch said?! Did he really threaten you ?!

Maisie has tears: He threaten he will send the minotaurs to kill you and my friends

Blitzo shushes her and hugs her rubbing her back*

Blitzo- It's okay. Im here, Im here..

Christophe glares at Satan Jr with Minimus.

Christophe- I hope you're happy scumbag.

Minimus- You did this for nothing

Maisie: But we have another problem.

Drake: And what's that?

Maisie: My ring won't come off.

Blitzo- Come on.. Let's just go home...

Malikai- Today has been very eventful...

Blitzo takes Maisie and leaves with Malikai

In the castle....

Vexa hides in one of the 21 closets of the castle holding Smaug

Void looks at Darceus: Wow, he's so beautiful... *pets him* He's just like Arceus but with Demon horns.

Darceus nuzzled Void, Vero sees him, he crawls to Darceus*

Darceus nuzzles him.

Vexa stays quiet holding Smaug

Void Jr came to her: Hey sis, you doing okay?

Vexa- ( Quietly ) Shhh ! Daddy will know Im here ! And no , Im not !

Void Jr: Here, I got your medicine for the baby

Vexa quickly takws it and drinks it

Vexa- Now hurry up before Dad finds me !

Void walks down the hall

Void: Vexa! I need to talk to you young lady!

Vexa stays quiet as Smaug whimpers and Void Jr stays quiet.

Void smells her with his tongue: I know your around...

Vexa stays quiet holding onto Smaug as Void Jr stays quiet

Void jr: Uh oh, I ate too much tacos this morning.

Vexa-( quietly ) I dont care ! He's close !

Void Jr farts*

Void hears that and quickly opens the closet nearby and sees Vexa , Smaug , and Void Jr and Vexa screams loudly as she held tight onto Smaug while Void Jr farts again

Void: Ewwww! Son!

Void Jr: Sorry dad!

Vexa kept screaming dramatically as she held Smaug

Void: Sweetie, I noticed you were feeling sorry for Maisie

And again Vexa screamed again for that reason making Void cringe

Void: Sweetie listen to me!

Vexa stops screaming, she took a sip of the medicine*

Void: Sweetie, I want you to stop feeling sorry for them, they are our enemies, you are the best one of the evil children I have

Vexa looks

Void: But there is a way to get that sorry feeling out of your head

Vexa- Uh oh.... Beating my ass ?

Void took out his head: The memory remover

Vexa screams at him taking off his head

Vexa- You're gonna replace my head ?!

Void: No, just a memory transfer with my magic *places his hand on her head*

Void used his magic to remove the memories of her and Maisie together and her being angry at her father*

Void takes his hand off her head: There, much better

Vexa- What ?

Void: Just remove some of your memories, now get it together and be evil like me

Void Jr: We will father

Void: Good, and if the real Lightness touch Maisie's ring and the alarm goes off *grins evilly* I'll give her a death warning to never get near my brother again... *evilly laughs*

The end

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