Satan jr's wedding

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Back with Christophe amd the kids...

Christophe peeks from the hole amd gets out seeing the coast os clear.

Christophe- Move it , move !

They crawl out the hole*

The wedding music played, Maisie walks down the carpet*

Vexa felt a little bad looking down .

Vex-( In mind ) No no ! Snap out of it Vexa ! Youre evil , stop it !

Christophe- Okay. I got us here the quicker and safer way. Minimus , whats your part ?

Minimus: Well mine is-

???: Well well well.

They see Void Jr with Team Beige*

Void jr: Some intruders trying to ruin the wedding.

Christophe- Who are zey ?

Tito: Team Beige and that's Void jr!

Beige: Void told us do whatever means nessacary to make sure no one ruins the wedding.

Christophe- Zorry but Im going to have to object.

Octavia- Yeah to be honest... You three are too dorky and geeky looking to be villains

Void jr: Excuse me?! Maybe you should have a sample of my powers *as his powers levitate sharp objects*

Tito- Alright amigos... Let's give this our best shot..

Back inside....

Maisie made it to the altar. Satan Jr smiles at her.

Preacher- Dearly Beloved or friends, we are gathered here today to join the eldest Prince of Wrath and this young lady to join them in Satanic marriage..

Back outside....

Christophe ducked amd rolled before he takes his shovel and hits the sharp object back at Beige , making him dodge and slightly cuts a part of his hair.

Beige: Ah! My hair! That's it, no more Mr nice guy! Pippi, lights on! *as he transformed into Firefly*

Beige started firing lasers at the heroes*

Octavia-( dodges ) Minimus , plan ! NOW. !!

Minimus: Okay!

Tito- Well hurry up ! I can't duck and roll forever !!

Minimus starts to do his plan*

Back at the wedding*

Preacher: Do you Satan jr, take Maisie as your wife?

Satan Jr- I do...

Back outside ....

Minimus has an idea and with QUICK thinking takes out a reflective shield and when Firefly goes to blast him, he quickly makes his reflective shield apepar and the lasers shoot back at Firefly blasting him but not killing him

Firefly is dizzy*

Waspy: Hey, nobody hurts my brother! Time to bring out the stingers! *as he fired the stingers*

They dodged the stingers*

Back at the wedding*

Preacher: And do you Maisie take Satan jr to be your husband?

Void whispers to her: If you refuse, I'll send my minotaurs to hurt your friends and family...

Maisie is shocked: I... I do..

Vexa gasped as she heard that.

Christophe- We're not going to make it !


They looked*

It was Malikai, Blitzo, and the Weaselings with Bill

Void Jr: You guys!?

Bill- And you thought that threat won't hold me back?! Think again ! Do you know what I do to little worthless minions like you ?!

Void jr whistles, Aku, Enerjak, Iblis and Dark Gaia appeared*

Iblis: You will not ruin things cousin!

Dark Gaia: Time to teach you heroes a lesson!

They charged at each other*

Satan jr put the ring on Maisie's finger, it glowed red making it stuck on her finger forever*

Blitzo- Malikai , boys , come with me ! 

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