Bill got his kids back

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In the strawberry cafe..

Adora- And I transformed into She-Ra with the sword and stalled Void the best we could for a few of us to escape

Tops: Wowza!

Entraptra- That bastard took our stone !

Malikai: Wait, another stone?

Bow- Thats right

Then Lumina appears with Lumina at the same time.

Lumina- Guys ! Guys !

Luma whimpered

Malikai: Oh hey Lumina, *pets Luma* Hey Luma, how's Rosalina

Luma chitters shes doing fine.

Lumina- Okay first Void got the other stone !

Pentol- Great !

Lumija- And second Void kidnapped Bill's kids and he is now in a complete demonic meltdown !!

Malikai: Oh boy, where is he?

Lumina points at the portal.

Lumina- Go in. But you're not going to like it

The weaselings went in*

They walked in and seen several things shattered destroyed and scrstched up amd walls scrstched up and windows broken

Rosy is standing there shocked*

They see Bill in his red and yellow monster form like before and he pants and growls from destroying everything feeling melting down inside

Ludel: Oh dear

Monster Bill growls demonically as tears well up in his four eyes

Rosy: Honey, calm down!

Bill- No!! That bastard Void has called me a disgrace for(Demonic voice) THE LAST TIME!!!

Bill shatters more things as the room glows red matching his feelings inside him

The screen shows Void: Ah, hello Bill, having a hard time?

Monster Bill- FUCK YOU !!

Void: How rude, I want to make a deal with you, but maybe I should hang up

Rosy: No no no no, sorry, I'm trying to turn him back to normal lord Void!

Monster Bill growls

Bill calms down and turns back to normal*

Bill- What do you want ? Its my job making deals. NOT yours

Void: Look, since I'm a fair, understandable uncle, let's make a promise, if you agree to never come in my home ever again and try to take the other infinite stones from the two galaxies, I'll give your kids back, refuse, and I'll let them stay here.

Jezebel: Please dad, I don't want to stay here.

Bill- Sweetie..... Loki...

Bill looks down. He was the Master of Deals but this is the most difficult deal he has to deal with as his fists shake.

Bill- Fine.....

Void: Good *looks at the two kids* Your free to go *snaps*

Jezebel and Loki teleported to them*

Jezebel: Daddy! Mommy!

Bill- Kids!

Bill hugged them tight never wanting to let go of them again

Void: Glad your happy again, have a pleasent evening *as the screen turns off*

Lumina: We need to find the fourth piece of his heart, Bill, where's the fourth piece?

Bill sees that the fourth piece is guarded by a little girl named Yinu*

Bill- It's guarded by Yinu..... Jez... Go to your room. And take Loki with you. I don't want you to see what I do next....

Jezebel: Okay daddy *went in the room with Loki*

Lumina: Yinu? The great piano maestro, Ludel, you need to do a piano battle with her.

Ludel gasps: Finally, I better get Fifi! *leaves through the portal*

Bill grows angry and upset and bursted into tears as he yells amd blasts several parts of the house in rage and pain

They watch in shock*

Rosy: Don't worry, he'll calm down in 30 minutes

Pentol: I hope so

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