Fairy blessing (5)

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The soaked cub was letting out a cry as if it was wronged by the entire world and it wanted justice, whilst it was actually the criminal responsible for the crime which it cried over. The small cubs have cat like features such as: their long, slender tale that moves with a mind of its own; there ears which rest above their heads and rotate towards noises without moving they're heads; their short fluffy fur with striped patterns in black and grey and they're pink paw pads that will reveal sharp claws when pushed and prodded; they're whiskers twitch when they brush against surfaces and they're cries where simular to the house cats that my neighbour owned in my last life. The kitten like cub that dripped due to its bad decisions was now pinned on place by its mother as she licked it clean and dry. It seemed that the two cubs where siblings as the cub I had began to pet suddenly jumped from my embrace and plodded over to the mother and child and was play fighting the now clean cub whith a few swipes to the top of the head without claws out, which is how I know its play fighting. Yep, just like a cat it abandoned me to bully its sibling which just got in trouble. I had by this point settled down on the grass and a few creatures both simular and different to those I knew approached me without dangerous intentions, most for pets or to sniff me as I was, very clearly, new to the clearing and they where curious I guess.

I noticed that although the fairies speak in sounds that remind me of english, they still different the language is closer to welsh, which I happened to know. It was like they combined the welsh language with bits of English which is why I immediately assumed that is what they spoke before I started paying closer attention.

Fairies with different colored hair had different regional welsh accents, fairies with lighy green hair had a strong west accent whilst fairies with orange and red hair had a more southern accent.

The fairies spoke amongst themselves about all sorts of gossip I'd never heard and they were more sassy than teen girls from drama's in my last life!

Without realising it hours trickled by as I lay in the grass and played with the adorable cubs as well as the other interested animals, I only realising how late it was when I heared a rustling and yelling in the direction of the village. The voice belonged to my father and he sounded desperate so I quickly got to my feet and stated making my way towards him watching my step as my fawn like legs wobbled with each step as they had gone to sleep over the hours I had been sat down for. As I eventually made my way away from the clearing my legs had regained their strength and I could walk again, so I hastened my pace towards the call of my dad. I met up with him after a few minutes of rushing through the foliage whilst calling to him in return to his every yell in hopes of easing his nerves when I noticed how the sun rested high in the sky now compared to how it was only just creeping over the horizon when I began my forest exploration. My father pulled me into a tight embrace when we first reunited before he then proceeded to smack me over the back of the head for not listening, going into the forest and for worrying him. I apologised with a slight smile at his kind but stern words as we made our way back to the village, ruffling my hair, before we both came to the forests border and bursting into laughter.

After the forest incident dad allowed me to go into the forest but I had to leave after the sun rose and come back before midday for food, after hearing how much I loved the forest. Due to that I spent almost every morning in the forest, mostly in the clearing. After a few months I've befriended the fairies and the animals, even the plants seem to like me as they seem to help me in weird plant-ish ways like letting more sun touch my skin when I'm cold or shading me more throughly when I get too hot, they also seem to move from my path when I walk and roots have never tripped me in this forest even whilst I'm such a clutz and I used to do such things on the regular in my last life and even in the village park which only has 2 trees over like a square mile!

My friendship with the fairies brought me surprising benefits as my hair became more healthy looking and soft after being their friend for awhile, my skin has also gotten better and I haven't been having any trouble in my magic practice like I was before. I brought up the fairies to dad when he first pointed out the difference and he explained that I likely had a fairies blessing if not multiple.

In this world, a fairies blessing is a blessing few lucky individuals have received although usually you only get 1 even if your lucky. It's effects make the bearer more attractive in their own eyes and help with magic and give a minor affinity with nature as fairies here are the guardians and protecters of nature and her children. Nature is viewed as female as it births everything. I also learned I was right to hide my name as the fairies would have stolen me away if I told them my name. Good job me, you didn't allow a magical entity to abruptly kidnap me like a dumb damsel in distress!

Other than the fairies blessing that helped with my magic practice, I found out I have a giant mana pool with great mana control now.


Hope you enjoyed!

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