New normal (20)

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Kai's pov

After quickly losing my determination to ignore Sutego when she hid that she'd be travelling with us, I flopped into her arms, letting my whole body go limp, forcing her to support my entire body's weight. I'd realised last time after trying to discuss magic with Sutego that there was probably more to it then I think as Sutego wouldn't dodge a topic the way she did if it wasn't important in her opinion. Something tells me if it'd been anyone else, the conversation would have been much shorter and more crude.

But I also remembered her promise to show me, so I can only assume it'll be safe to see at least one example, so I decided to bring her promise to show me up.

"Sutego~," I called, dragging the o like a child does when they want attention.
"Yes, my love?" Sutego replied with a not well hidden chuckle at my shenanigans.
"Will you show me some magic now, please? You promised me before..." I asked with the best puppy dog eyes before allowing my sentence to trail off as I averted my eyes in hopes it would make her more inclined to actually show me.
"Ok puppy, but you have to be a good girl, promise me?" She relented with a sigh before emphasising with a level of seriousness she had never used with me before.

I knew my previous thoughts about magic being dangerous must've been true upon hearing her speek in that tone to me, I wasn't upset but I knew magic must be different from how I think of it based on the media portrayal from my previous life. I know I probably should have expected it to be different, but I guess I ignored it because of my excitement last time due to discovering magic was real.

"I promise I'll listen to you!" I assured upon realising I had been distracted by my thoughts.

Sutego then began to move her hands to form unusual shapes as she muttered something I couldn't comprehend or understand under her breath, the actions themselves were interesting but when I saw a flower appear in the open space between us, simply floating at my chest level, I was dumbfounded and ecstatic.

Knowing my girlfriend could do actual legitimate magic is amazing and makes me love her that little bit more honestly. Every girl has an ideal fantasy partner and everyday it seems like Sutego ticks more of those stupid boxes, and everyday I think I couldn't possibly love her more than I already do yet she finds a way to make me adore her more daily.

Overcome by the excitement at witnessing genuine magic for the first time, I barely contained myself until the magic was fully completed and the spell ended, causing the flower to disappear, before pouncing on her and pasting her lovable, gorgeous face with as many kisses as I could, making sure not to miss a single spot and specially focusing on her scar which she hates and feels insecure about but I love.


Months have passed since returning to the village with dad, and Sutego has been making regular visits. If dad hadn't stopped her when she tried to move in, I have no doubt that she'd spend all of her time here, neglecting her job as.... I'm not actually sure what her jobs official title is, queen of the underworld? I remember someone calling her that, but it doesn't really sound like a genuine job title, but I also don't know a whole lot about criminal empires.

Since moving back, I realised my hair has started to get quite long again. Instead of the shortcut meant to look boyish, it's grown to an awkward shoulder length. I'd also realised that with sutego around, I didn't have to worry so much or hid that I was a girl, so I decided to leave my hair grow out and to occasionally wear more feminine clothes. I didn't switch out all my clothes though because my other clothes still fit and were comfortable. I just also decided to wear a few of the dresses gifted to me by Sutego.

Upon learning about magic, I remembered that day in the forest and decided to spend more of my free time exploring the forest. It became my favourite pastime, other than spending time with my girlfriend, of course. The refreshing feeling of the wind gently tickling my face and playing with my hair or the symphony of leaves dancing and the flowing stream enchanted me and after spending most of my time there over the course of six months I had reunited with my fey friends and caught up on the gossip I'd missed, the joy I felt upon returning to the forest had surprised me at first because I'd never really realised that I missed the simple but gorgeous place filled with creatures both big and small until I'd found myself wondering back towards the familiar clearing on the first morning since I arrived back at Cobbletree.

Other than listening to the flying gossip girls I'd become close with, I also told them about everything I'd experience in the 2 or 3 months I'd been away, making sure I never uttered a name just incase. Although, upon researching, I had discovered fairies and the like don't have the same power to trap you or steal you upon learning your name, as they did according to the myths and legends of my last life's world, old habits die hard I guess.

Having become accustomed to my new normal back at the village, the year came to a close before I knew it, and Sutego had a suprise in store for me.

Sutego's pov

"I've been dating your daughter for a year now. Would you allow me the honour of marrying Kai?" I asked Mason, my loves adoptive father.
"...As long as you promise to love her and be loyal, yes," I heard Mason reply reluctantly with warning in his gaze before a warm smile formed on his lips.
"Of course I promise I always will," I confirmed with the widest grin I think I'd ever had.

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