The 2nd Tweet

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Y/n's POV:

Today Erik had come over to hang out with Felix and I.  He didn't really ask but honestly I don't care.  Felix and I had watched all of Heartstopper last night before falling asleep.  Luckily I had watched all of it and been able to turn of the TV before falling asleep.  We had both woken up to Erik throwing pillows and yelling at us at 9 am.  It was terrible.  We were now going to the mall.

We arrived and went to get food first.  We were all starving.  After that we debated where to go.

"I want to go to Build-A-Bear!" I whined.

"We don't need to get you another stuffed animal," Erik said.

"Stop being responsible Erik!  I wanna go there too!" Felix also whined.

"Fine.  Just, be kind of responsible."

"YES!" Felix and I yelled before rushing off to Build-A-Bear.

"WAIT UP YOU CHILDREN!" Erik yelled as he chased after us.

We got weird stares but none of us cared.  We got there and went in.  I looked around at all of the options along with Felix.  Felix ended up choosing a blue bear and I chose a green one so we could match.  Erik looked at us in disappointment when we showed him.  We then got them finished.  Mine had Dream saying "C'MERE GEORGE!" while Felix's had George saying "I love you Dream."  We laughed about it for the rest of the mall trip.  Of course, we named them Dream and George.  We posted pictures of them on Instagram and Twitter.

After around 3 more hours of just going into different stores and Felix and I being stupid while Erik tried to keep us from doing stupid things, we went home.  We got home at around 5 and decided to order some food.  We got pizza and waited for it to arrive.  When it did, we made Erik get it because he was the best at talking to people.  

While we were eating pizza, my phone dinged.  I picked it up to look at the notification.  I was tagged in a tweet.  I decided to look at it because I already had my phone in my hand.  I opened it up and my eyes widened.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled.

"What happened?" Erik asked, not looking concerned at all.


"Into what?" Felix asked.

"RANBOO'S LOVE OR HOST?" Erik yelled.

"YES!" I yelled back.

"REALLY!" they both yelled back.


"LET'S GO!" Erik yelled.

"Hold on!  Austin just DM'd me!" I said as I opened up my DMs.  "He asked if I was going to wear the dino onesie on stream.  I obviously will.  He also asked what I choose.  WHAT DO I SAY?"

"Well," Felix started.  "What do you want to choose."

"I think I know," I said after telling Austin that I will be wearing the dino onesie.

I then told Austin what I chose.

Also, I choose ****

A/n:  2 CHAPTERS NOW!!!!!  LET'S GOOOOO!  Anyways, have a great day/night!

(588 words)

What is your favorite video game(s)?

Mine are Minecraft and Phasmophobia :)

Love or Host - Ranboo x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now