"To make him feel better"

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Midoriya POV

Mini Kacchan came running up to me and as I looked down at him, I gave him a confused look. He had his arms wide open as if he wanted to be picked up so I took him in my arms, one for all having been inactivated.

"Now do the same thing, and go fast!!!" mini Kacchan said and I gave him a concerned look.

Mini me also protested against it, along with the others, that this was too dangerous.

Mini Kacchan refused to back down and insisted that I do this.

"Oi DEKU!! I know you won't hurt me so what's the problem?" mini Kacchan asked me and I sighed before tightening my grip on him.

"hold on tight okay," I told him and he grinned widely before wrapping his little arms around my neck.

I made sure to support his head as I activated one for all. Green lightning surrounded me and I ensured that I go on a slow pace.

Mini Kacchan squealed loudly as I went around in circles once more and started running towards a wall. Mini Kacchan yelled in fear as I kicked against the wall and did a back flip in air.

Due to the speed, Mini Kacchan and I were a good 20 feet in air.

I could see the concerned looks of my classmates and an excited look of my little self.

Mini Kacchan was laughing uncontrollably and It was over as quickly as it had begun.

I landed safely on the ground and gently placed Tiny Kacchan in front of me as well. Kacchan stumbled a little but he had the biggest grin he could muster.

It gave my heart a little squeeze.

"Kacchan!! are you okay?" my little self worried but he had a smile on his face too.

"hell yea!!! and it was so much fun tooo!!!! you should try it too Deku!!!" Mini Kacchan told my little self who looked at me with hopeful eyes.

I smiled softly and opened my arms for him.

Little me jumped into my arms and I told him to hold on tightly as well.

"be careful Midoriya," Todoroki said and I gave him an amused look.

He didn't say this when I was doing it with Kacchan.

I did the same thing again and instead of excited, mini me was most likely terrified. I figured I shouldn't do the flip and so I stopped after two rounds.

"are you alright?," I asked as I put him down in front of me.

"DEKU!!!!" Mini Kacchan yelled as he ran towards mini me with a worried face.

"Kacchan...I feel a little dizzy," mini me said and Todoroki stepped forward, only to stop when he saw Mini Kacchan embrace mini me.

"don't worry Deku, I'll hold you so you won't fall okay," he said and I could already hear some of our classmates cooing.

"omg that is so adorable!!!" (Mina)

"oh gosh, that's so precious," (Ururaka)

"someone take a picture," (Hagakure)

"I got it!!!" (Kaminari who had his phone out)

Todoroki approached the two little ones and picked up little me, taking him away from mini Kacchan.

"HEY!! give him back!!" mini Kacchan yelled and Todoroki turned away to go inside.

"I'm just going to go get him water. You should head inside too. Don't want you to stay up past your bed time do we."

Mini Kacchan was gritting his teeth now and older Kacchan scoffed and made his way inside too.

Todoroki Pov

Young Midoriya's soft snores sounded in the crowded yet quiet living room and I brought my left hand to rest on his cold cheek.

I had asked Tokayami to bring a blanket for Midoriya and he still hasn't returned.

My hand will have to do for now.

After drinking some water, Midoriya had slipped off to lala dreamland right in my lap.
He looked exhausted.

I don't blame him. Today's events bound to have taken a toll on his tiny brain.
Im not even sure if it was a good idea to dump all that information on him so quickly.
As I held the tiny boy awkwardly but firmly in my arms, I could feel his heart beat faintly.
He looked so peaceful like this.

I can't wait to have kids of my own in the future. I'll be such a good father. Nothing like what my old man had been like for me.

Midoriya shivered slightly in my arms and I increased the temperature on my left side. His little body was tucked more into my fire side so he wouldn't be too cold.

Everyone else was huddled around young Bakugo for some reason and they were being unusually quiet too. I wonder what they are doing.

"Here," I heard Tokoyami say from behind me and I reached up to grab the blanket from him.
As I brought The said blanket into view, I gave Tokoyami a blank look.
The blanket was black and had a skull pattern on it.

Is this why he took so long.

Tokoyami left to join the others without another word.

I wrapped the tiny boy up in the blanket and laid him down on the couch.
His green curls fell gently on his forehead and his hands were formed in tiny fists that now held onto the blanket's edge gently.

I smiled slightly and made my way over to the others. I figured I'll take Midoriya upstairs to my room later after I've had dinner.

Ah crap. Midoriya fell asleep with an empty stomach. I'll have to wake him up in a bit.

As I approached the others, I could hear quiet whispers among Ururaka and Tsu, and some suspicious snickering from Kaminari, Sero and Mina.

I looked over at a tiny Bakugo who was sitting on the carpet, with a piece of paper and pens in hand. He was drawing. And he looked so focused on it.

"Surprising, isn't it?" Momo quietly spoke from behind my left side.

Her breath smelled like strawberries that she had been eating and I tried my best to not let my temperature waver.

I nodded slightly and willed my left hand to not sweat.

Why is she standing so close!!! My face is probably a tomato right now.

"He wants to make a drawing for when Midoriya wakes up. It's to "make him feel better", and to prove his superior artistic skills," Momo explained and I looked at the tiny boy blankly.

"But how's that going to make Midoriya feel better?" I asked but apparently I was too loud and the others were listening in because tiny Bakugo's head whipped towards me and he sent me a glare.

"It will make Deku feel better. You just wait and watch, jerk," he yelled and went back to his drawing.

I opened my mouth to say something else but Momo clasped her hand over my mouth to make me stop.

Well she was successful in doing so because my eyes are now wide and my left cheek is getting warmer and warmer by the second.

"why don't we go make some tea for everyone?" Momo suggested and i followed her to the kitchen without a word.

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