Are we still the same?

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" should just go in his room, grab him by the collar, and tell him to come with you. Don't tell anyone but he's secretly scared of being all lame and going home on the weekends. I would know Because he's me".

"Oh? He's scared of being...lame?" Izuku brought a finger up to his chin and gave me a silly smile. I gave him a confused look and he just started tapping his chin with his finger.

"does that mean...that you're scared of being lame too? Since he's you".

I felt my ears get warmer and my hands started sweating. Damn it. I tried to look away from him and turn the situation around.

"Of course not. That's not what I said," he just laughed at that and got up from his chair. I tried to follow suit but the stool was high. I reached my leg down and tried to as careful as I can. I don't wanna trip or fall in front of him.

"Kacchan? Do you need...a little help with that," Izuku asked and before I could say no, he came up to me and grabbed me from beneath my arm pits. I noticed that his hands had a lot more scars than I had guessed earlier when he was spinning me around.

As he put me down on the ground, I grabbed one of his hands before he could pull it away. I returned his questioning look with a curious look of my own.

"how'ya get these?"

Izuku looked taken back by the question and I wondered if I wasn't supposed to ask that. It might be a big deal for him. I was about to brush it off and say I don't really care but he put his other arm beneath my knees and scooped me up.

"Oi! Put me down!" I scowled at how he pretended not to hear me. He really did change a lot huh. Now that I'm up close, I noticed that he had more freckles on his face. I wonder how that's even possible.

"If you're really that eager to know, I suppose I can tell you,"

"It's fine-,"

"It's because of my quirk. I couldn't control it very well at first and everytime I used it, I would get hurt," he gave me a small smile and started heading for the door.

" your quirk hurts?" I tried not to show any worry on my face and I hope I succeeded. Izuku just hummed and continued walking in silence.

"Uh...does...," I paused before continuing my sentence because I wasn't sure how to word it and not make it sound lame or as if I was scared.

"does what?"

" quirk hurt me too...," I looked ahead towards the hallway and the doors, trying to act casual. I think I didn't sound casual though. Izuku gave my back a light squeeze and told me it doesn't hurt a lot.

"a lot? So it hurts?"

"I...don't really know. Older you doesn't really talk about that stuff..." he trailed off and I was confused. By the sound of it, I apparently don't talk to anyone about anything. Izuku is hesitant about talking to me, everyone else treats me like a bag guy, no one hangs out with me that much either.

I noticed that when we were out in the living room and in the garden. Aside from the occasional comments, no one stood beside me or even talked to me like a friend would. That red spikey guy said he's my best friend but he doesn't hang around me much, more with the charger guy and the alien girl.

You would think that Izuku would at least sit beside me on the couch but no. He was with the robot guy and that peppermint dude.

I tried not to let my thoughts show on my face for now. I'll talk to older me later. What's his deal anyways? Always acting stuck up and yelling at everyone. I know I do that too but not as much as him. And I definitely don't ignore Izuku when he's right there.

"Kacchan, I'm gonna go talk to older Kacchan now. Make sure you eat something. I'm sure Kirishima would love to help you find something you like," and with that, Izuku put me down and started walking back towards the hallway again. I watched him turn left after a minute or two, making my curiosity burn up to my throat.

I looked towards the living room and little Izuku was sitting beside some guy whose skin looked like wood and he was petting a rabbit. I wanted to pet the rabbit too but not as much as I wanted to know what older me and Izuku talk like with each other.

I'll be back after hearing a little bit of their conversation. I just wanna see how they interact. I also wanna see my future room. The way I decorated my door, if Izuku has to knock before entering my room, if we are still close or not.

Izuku had told me once that he was scared that we won't be good friends when we grow up. He said that he might not get a quirk as cool as mine and then I would leave him behind.

That was all obviously crap. I wouldn't leave him behind. A quirk is a quirk. You can have the lamest quirk and still be cool. It's just about how to use it.

And even if his quirk was the lamest out of them all, I would just make him my assistant and we can still fight together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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