Bonus chapter~

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Mini Bakugo's pov

I squatted down and collected as much as I could. I can't let anyone see me here or I'll be laughed at for the rest of my stupid life.

I made sure to come here alone and I don't think anyone from the dorms would come this way. Izuku is with pink cheeks and the other girls for now. They bought him some stupid stuff they want to take his pictures in.

I was supposed to be with shitty hair and that blond guy but I ran away when they were trying to see who can stuff more marshmallows in their mouths.

How they made it to an elite school for talented future superheroes, I don't know.

"Ow!" I hissed as a little thorn pricked my left leg. Damn, shouldn't have worn shorts. I looked down at the little thorn stuck in my leg and squeezed the skin around the area in an effort to take the damn thing out.

I put the flowers aside for now and sat on my butt to be more comfortable and to reach the damn thorn better.

"come out you little shit," I cussed and finally, the thorn was out of my skin. There was a little blood trickling out but I ignored it and continued plucking those flowers out.

"you should put a band aid on that."

I jumped out of my damn skin and turned to see none other than that peppermint guy standing there with a blank look on his face.

"wh-what the hell are you doing here?" I asked and cussed myself internally for stuttering. "Just walking around," he answered before coming over.

I kept the flowers behind my back and tried to look as casual as I could. It was slightly difficult to do the latter when the guy kept staring at me with an expressionless face.

"are you just gonna stare at me or are you gonna leave?" I snapped at him once his staring became unbearable.

He rolled his shoulders in response and started walking back to where he came from. I sighed in relief and took the flowers from behind my back. A little more and then I'll be done. I have to pick the best ones for Izuku.

After a few minutes, I decided to stop.

I guess this is more than enough. I ran in the direction that icy hot guy walked off to thinking the dorm gate is that way.

I was wrong.

There was nothing there but a deserted pathway that led to a small forest.I tried to remember which way I came from but it refused to come to mind.

I tried running down the pathway in case I could spot something or someone but there was nothing there. No passerby either.

I looked around frantically, confused as to why I was struggling with something as simple as this. The garden was in the middle of nowhere and just my luck, it was starting to get dark.

I could see birds returning to their nests, and the sun was beginning to disappear as well. The sound of the wind rustling was deafening and my whole lower body was itching because of the damn mosquitoes around here.

I thought of going through the little forest but the lack of light made it hard for me to convince myself to do so.

I recalled seeing a door on my way here so I ran towards the opposite side of the forest in case it's open.

It wasn't.

My shoulders slouched in disappointment and now it was really dark. The streetlights were dim and some owl was hooting nearby.

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