What happened to them?

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Midoriya's POV

I watched little kacchan work on his drawing and I couldn't help but frown at the determined look on his face. It was the same look that Older kacchan has when he's busy studying or coming up with a strategy in the training fields.

That look, it seems familiar but foreign at the same time. Kacchan is someone who would give everything he's got for things that matter to him. The expression he wore right now wasn't because he's playing a video game, nor is it because he's solving a math problem. In fact, this determined look was because of me, or little me anyways.

It's weird to see his tiny self be so considerate and sweet again.

I sat back on the couch beside Ururaka who had her head leaning on my shoulder because "it's so firm and soft". her hair fanned around her face and I put my own head against hers. I might as well rest my eyes a little.

"deku...your head is too heavy..." ururaka had the audacity to groan out but I didn't listen to her and stayed put.

"you workout with me everyday ururaka. stop making excuses."

I heard her sigh in annoyance and go back to being silent as if she's asleep already.

"You two should not sleep in the living area. Go to your respective rooms for that. This is unacceptable," Iida voiced as he sat on my other side and I jumped at the opportunity.

"Iida!! stay right there," I asked of him and latched onto his arm with my head plopped on his bicep.

I let out a content sigh and ignored the useless resistance that Iida was putting up.

"Iida!! don't move so much!!" Ururaka complained and he turned his head around dramatically to stare at her.

"oh, i'm sorry that I don't want to play the role of a body pillow for the two of you," Iida remarked and it annoyed Ururaka enough for her to whine and walk up to tsu who was sitting on the couch across with an amused look.

"tsu!!! you're the only one who cares for me here," she said while wiping a fake tear from her left eye.

"all of you are so dramatic," the other replied but opened her arms for ururaka nonetheless.

The sleepy girl simply grinned and closed her eyes while she had her arms wrapped around the shorter girl.

I'm so going to tease her when she wakes up.

"and are you going to move anytime soon?" Iida asked me and I shook my head with a sloppy grin on my face.

Iida sighed and settled back comfortably for both our sakes and I heard Momo and Todoroki talking in the kitchen.

I'm going to tease Todoroki too now.

I smirked slyly and minded my own business by burying my face into Iida's side.

"Midoriya! I did not agree to let you cuddle me. Nor did I agree to let you lean on me but it's not as if anyone here ever listens to me," Iida said but he wrapped his other arm around me anyways.

A few minutes passes like this and everyone was quiet now. Little kacchan was also falling asleep.

"maybe we should let them be," I heard Momo say and I raised my head to see what she was talking about.

Todoroki and her were carrying two plates with fancy tea cups and a fancy kettle on them.

"Momo brought tea y'all!!!" Jirou yelled and several heads turned their way before charging for tea. We all love when Momo makes tea for us. She has the best taste.

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