Why is he hesitating?

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"well...what do we do now...?" I asked, avoiding meeting his eyes as much as possible. Izuku looked kinda deep in thought for a few seconds before his eyes started shining like crazy and he waved his arms around all excited. I internally cringed at his carefree antics but felt a smile on my face anyways.

He's a little embarrassing but it's only because he doesn't care. I'm a little jealous. His ability to be unbothered about his little habits, is something I wish I could borrow for a little while.

"Kacchan! Kacchan! Do you think all the episodes for the all mighty-all might are here?"

My eyes widened significantly large and I brought my fists up towards my face to contain the excitement inside.

"I never thought about that...I bet the movies are out too!!!!!" the two of us stared at each other for a good minute before turning around dramatically.

I pointed my finger at the nearest weirdo around me and placed my other hand on my hip. "Oi! Is it here? The all mighty-all might" show?"

The guy with the big tail and some sort of judo outfit gave me a confused smile and I rolled my eyes before moving on to the next person.

"YOU! With the big arms! Is it here?" the guy gave me a glare and I moved on again. "YOU WITH STICKS FOR ARMS! IS IT HERE DAMMNIT-"

"KACCHAN! Don't be so rude! You can ask them politely too, you know," Izuku scolded me like always and wacked me really lightly on my arm. I tried to resist the urge but I ended up pouting like a little kid anyways.

"I did ask them PoLiTeLy but none of them answered," I tried to justify but he was already walking up to that girl with the wires coming out of her ears.

"Hey Miss, do you know if the all mighty-all might show is completed? Is it still going? Are the movies and the special episodes here," his hands stayed at his sides and he had a patient look on his face. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the touched looks on the students around us, and listened to what the wire girl had to say.

"I...don't know? You should go ask Midoriya, he's the superhero nerd here," she replied and I sighed knowingly. Obviously! If there was anyone who would know about this, it would be Izuku. Me too but I'm sure no one knows that.

"Oh come on! We all know Bakugo is the biggest nerd out of all of us!" the guy with about three chargers in his mouth (?) shrugged. A couple people nodded while the others looked un convinced.

"Bakugo? And a nerd? Now way," some guy with the tape dispenser on his arms waved his hand around and soon, everyone was arguing who is the bigger nerd.

"Bakugo goes to bed at fucking 8 pm! He's got to be the nerdiest nerd out there," the alien girl slapped a hand to her mouth after saying that and gave Izuku and I an apologetic look.

"My bad, I forgot there's kids here".

I looked away from the group out of boredom and decided to go off on my own. I wonder where the training grounds are. There has to be some sort of facility here.

I ignored my curiosity for now and went towards the student dorms. I wonder what older me is doing right now. Does he really go to bed at 8 pm? I'm 5 and even I go to bed at 9.

As I got closer to the dorms, I noticed that the doors were all customized per each students preferences. There was a door with a bunch of stars and glitter on it and there was a door with a really big poster of a yellow rat with red cheeks. These are definitely not mine.

As I went further down the hallway, I came across a door with a plain door tag on it, except it had an all might theme to it. The corners had the all might ears and I would recognize that color palette anywhere. It read "Izuku Midoriya" on it and I stepped towards it silently.

'Just a peek won't hurt...'

I could hear voices from inside and I leaned my ear against the door to listen better. It seemed like older Izuku was on a call with someone because I wasn't hearing the other person talking.

"Yes, I understand[...] No! No! it's no trouble at all. I'll inform you as soon as I can," there was a slight pause and I got closer to the key hole just in case.

There was a little more rustling inside and my curiosity got the best of me and I opened the door just a little bit. It creaked but I doubt he could have heard it.

I spotted Older Izuku sitting on his chair, in front of a table with lots of books on it. He was holding his phone in between his ear and shoulder while trying to write something. I guess he got tired of craning his neck like that because he put the phone on speaker now.

I could faintly hear a woman speaking on the other side and barely could make out her words.

"I feel like I'm pressuring you too much...are you sure you can convince him?" The woman's voice sounded familiar but I wasn't sure because people sound different on a call than they do in real life.

"It's no problem at all Mrs. Bakugo. He really isn't that difficult to deal with as he is right now. Much better than a couple years ago," my eyes widened and I had to press my palm against my mouth to stop myself from making any noise.

'Mrs. Bakugo? As in...ma?'

There was a slight pause on the other side and I entered my head through the door.

"I know I've said it before but I am terribly sorry Izuku. I know it's been hard for you. I've tried but he just won't listen," Ma explained and I got more confused by each word.

"it's alright, I know how stubborn he can be," Older Izuku didn't sound so sure and I wonder who they are talking about...is it me?

"I really appreciate you help Izuku. He's hot tempered like me so getting him to sit down and listen can be really hard. You can try talking to him and if he doesn't listen, I won't hold it against you".

'she's definitely talking about me'

"I'll try my best," he sounded a little doubtful about it and hung up after saying his goodbye to ma. He sighed really loudly and went back to writing something in his notebook.

Things aren't adding up. From the sound of it, he's supposed to talk to older me and convince me of something...but it sounded as if he was being asked to try and convince a tiger to turn vegan.

Is it that hard for him to talk to older me? It looked to me like he had gained more confidence in the future but this isn't it. Younger Izuku never hesitates before talking me so why is older Izuku so hesitant?

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