the Tooth.

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In the Home of heartstone theater Where The others were playing the Acting of performance About the Sleeping beauty They were trying to act it out their correct voices.

Until Marshall and Kyle were playing foot ball They were trying to hit something inside the Room.

Blake: you two! Can you not play the ball inside? You might break something!

He said to them with a stern look but they wouldn't listen what he said

Kyle: (rolls his eyes) Please Your the one to talk

Marshall: Yeah we're playing!

Until the gecko Accidentally Hit Blake By kicking the ball and hit on his face

Blake: Ow!

Kyle gasped in shock And Marshall gulped in nervous when Blake rubbed his face Until his Mouth was bleeding

Blake: Oh my God! What did you do?!

Kyle: It was an Accident!

Blake feels like some painful in his tooth He was lucky that his tooth came out but bad thing is bleeding

Blake: My tooth!

He gave Kyle and Marshall a angry glare

Blake: (angry) This is exactly why I tell you not to!

Ally: What's going on--? BLAKE! Are you okay?

Blake: no! Kyle whacked my tooth out with the soccer ball!

Ally gave Kyle a glare

Ally: What the heck Kyle?!

Kyle: I'm sorry!

Ally helped Blake lift up from the ground.

Ally: Come on let's take you to the doctor

Blake rubbed gently on his cheek When they walked going to the doctor.

Ally: Is he okay doc?

Doctor: Oh he'll be Alright I just Checked the teeth With some blood of gum So I fixed him

Ally: Oh thank you...

Until the others appears because Blake is bleeding they wanted to check on him.

Az: You okay Buddy?

Robert: What happened?

Marshall: (Glares at Kyle) Kyle happened he whacked his tooth out

Others: WHAT?!

Kyle: it wasn't my fault okay? I mean who's fault was that?

Others: (Angry) IT'S YOURS!!

Kyle realized as he chuckles nervously

Kyle: Okay i'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you Blake

Blake: (sighs) It's fine...just don't do it again When your playing Go play outside

Ally: He's right Kyle Maybe you should be more careful what you played out okay?

Kyle: Fine....

Blake smiles as ally gave him a kiss on his cheek Until the bleed is gone It's only one tooth Comes out.

Blake: (smiles) Heh looks like I'm about to put under my pillow

Ally: (smiles) and the tooth fairy One comes down (smirks) Maybe you could be a tooth fairy To children~

Blake: What? NO! Why wouldn't-?!

All: (Laughs)

Blake: (groans)

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