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Blake was in the room he was singing along as he picked up the Clothes, and socks From his Room to clean up. Until suddenly He saw some clothes Were on, it wasn't for was someone's else

Blake: Huh?

He sniffs the t shirt He smelled like Someone Is in Ally's room.

He followed with a smell, as he walked upstairs. He could hear Ally giggling and laugher, he frowned after he landed his ear to the door, what the hell? He thought As he opens the door and saw Ally is Slept with a Male Tiger.

Blake: (gasps in shock) Ally!

Ally: (gasps) Blake!!

Male tiger: Huh?!

Blake was shocked to see Ally is cheating on him.

Blake: What the hell?!

Ally: I..I uhh--,

Blake: Who is this?!

As he woken his friends up during the night, Kyle Marshall Kayla Esme and someone who comes out to see what happened.

Ally: l-Look...I can explain...

Blake: (glares at her) No forget it i don't wanna hear it..

He literally walks off in a harsh Mood, Ally was feeling guilty for cheating on him, as the others stared at her in confusion.

Kacey: Girl what's going on?

Ally quickly gets out of bed and run to follow Blake. As the male tiger raised his eyebrow at her, he gets out of bed And puts his clothes on.

Blake was walking to his bedroom after he slammed the door Angrliy, Ally opened the door.

Ally: Blake baby! I'm so sorry I shouldn't have knowed I was--!

Blake: So this is how you repay me Huh..? Breaking my trust so you can love someone else...? By behind My back? This whole time i really loved you and now your just didn't care!

Ally: (glares at him) Didn't care...? Seriously?! I just know that your the one who cheated on me! With that Girl!

Blake: (angry) Yeah well Like I said I didn't cheat on you! And now you accused me! Maybe if you weren't supposed to do that it makes me worse!

Ally: Well who is this? Is it your girlfriend?

Blake looked at what Ally has his phone in her paws, he rolled his eyes in annoyed.

Blake: (annoyed) That's my sister Ally! It's not a big deal!

Ally: Oh if it is a big deal why don't you just--just...Ugh! I can't even look at you right now!

Blake: Well I'd never doubt about it You were anything to do something Selfish to me! Which you being loved by somebody

Ally: (angry) Yeah well Roger loves Me than you ever loved me!

Blake: (angry tearful) Oh really? If you love him so much...then WHY DON'T YOU JUST GET MARRIED?!

Ally looked shocked to what he said to her, especially His friends were heard about this, Blake is glaring at her his eyes were Tears dropping out of eyes.

Blake rubbed his eyes with his paw, and he looked at her.

Ally: Blake.. I--

Blake scoffed as he pushes Ally Away, from his Room and Slams the door. Ally was stood in shock she realised what she has done.

Kacey looked worried about Blake as she Gave Ally a stern Look.

Kacey: (looks sternly) What were you thinking Ally?

Ally: i-i don't know...

Kacey: (Scoffs sarcastically) You know what? don't wanna hear it

The female bird flew off from Ally, as the others Sadly Went to their rooms leaving Ally alone, and Roger the tiger who walks Towards her.

Roger: Babe...?

Ally: (whacks his paw) Are you happy now? Well I hope you happy!

She walks off Angrliy Roger tried to follow her but she tells him to get out. Roger sadly walks away to get home, as Ally Looked sad Her eyes started to tears.

Ally: (sobs)

She fell to her knees on the floor, she kept crying as her eyes started to let the tears rolled down her cheeks.

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