Kayla's Claustrophobia

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(Happy Halloween in 2021 of October)

At the stage where People used to watch, has ended.

The others were working so hard at this show, their joy of laugher is so much more to laugh.

Blake: Wow you did it gang It was epic!

Others: (cheers)

Ally: Yeah of Halloween is the best right?

Kayla: (scoffs) Yeah right Kids are used to act like babies,

Brad chuckled as he patted on her shoulder.

Brad: Well you can't blame them for being scared Baby,

She rolled her eyes in sarcastically as she head off to the couch to watch the scary movies about Halloween kills.

She rolled her eyes in sarcastically as she head off to the couch to watch the scary movies about Halloween kills

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Esme: Wow this is going to be awesome I love Halloween!

As Robert brings out the pack of popcorns, the others were getting ready to watch the movie.

Kyle: Okay got the popcorn right?

Robert: Sure here you go

He handed to Kyle.

Kyle: Thanks (Eats the popcorn)

Brad: Wow That movie is so great!

Victor: I know right!

Blake: Okay I'm just putting on it right now!

He puts on with the DvD Movie and gives it on into the TV, as the others were getting ready for the movie.

Marshall saw Robert shivered in fear.

Marshall: (smirks) what's the matter buddy? Is the teddy bear scared?

Robert: What? No! I'm nervous

Kyle: (Smirks in teasefully) Oh really? Boo!

Robert: AHH!!!

ally: Guys Shh! The movie is on!

Kyle: Oh yeah right

Marshall: Okay!

They were still watching the scary movie, as they kept watching it.

As to be seemed Kayla isn't scared of anything, when the movie is finished They started to head off to bed.

Ally: (yawns) best scary movie ever!

Blake: Yeah And I don't like scaring people but I also like The guy with the mask,

Kayla: (rolls her eyes) Yeah well if you were gonna watch the scary movies it might scare you

Kyle: (pouted) Oh don't be such a grumpy Bunny Kay! The movies great

Kacey: (smirks) Yeah and someone's who used to be scared

Kayla: (glares) I'm not scared You idiots! I'm not afraid of anything!

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