a living Nightmare. (Blake angsty)

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Blake was into falling asleep Until he heard a noise, he opened his eyes as he looked around the dark and Gray Clouds.

Blake: Huh? Where am I?...

His friends were just disappeared, he looked interestedly.

Blake: Ally?...Kyle? Robert? GUYS?!

he yelled with echo all the way to the Alleyway.

As suddenly a shadow appears to neat Blake, his voice was chuckling in dark Venomous.

????: Well Hello...Blake violet...

Blake: Huh? W-who said that...?

He turned his face towards at the male Leopard who standing in the alleyway.

Blake: (gasps) T-Taron...?!

Taron: (smirks darkly) Did you miss me? Well I'll take that as a yes...

Blake was Hyperventilating, when he just saw something distant and strange between the shadows. The leopard smirked at him as he uses his dagger right near his neck.

Taron: How about we play a game eh? It's called the Self harm game (laughs Manically)

Blake: (angry) WHY don't you just leave me alone damn it!

The wolf Runs from taron as he gets to the doors, but it still locked and he tried to run away as fast as he could.

He saw ally was standing in front of him, she looked like some speechless ghost.

Ally: (in a Demon voice) You can kill yourself nobody loves you

Blake: A-Ally..? What are you--?

Robert: (in Demon voice) We know we didn't want you to be with us Ever! Your worthless,

Marshall: (in Demon voice) And your nothing but a fake!

Blake: STOP IT! Just shut up!

All the demons Complaints his mind calling him fake Worthless useless and Loser, Blake gripped his hair tightly when he started to panic.

Blake: (hyperventilating) stop! Please! STOP IT NOW!!!

Ally: Loser....

Robert: Fake!

Others: DISGRACE!!!

Blake was sobbing to the ground His tears started to fall down his cheeks, his paws were shivering Until taron Grabbed his arm roughly.

Blake: NO! NO! Let me go!

Taron: Now it's time to self harm~

Blake: (cries) No no, no no no!!!

Taron cuts Blake's Paw open with the dagger And even his wrist, Blake cried in pain as he tried to struggle but it's no use.


Suddenly Blake finally opened his eyes After he woke up from a dreadful nightmare, his heart was pumping fast as from his friends who actually woke them up by a NO yell.

Ally: Blake? Are you okay?!

Blake: (sobs hyperventilating) A-Ally...?

Ally: Oh blake...Hey hey it's okay Just calm down....

Blake was Literally having a panic attack, he couldn't help it By getting anxiety.

Ally: Come here...Just deep breaths okay? Look at me! Just look at me...

Blake looked at her With his watery eyes.

Ally: deep breaths...just follow with me...

When he woke his other friends up they started to realise he had a nightmare.

Marshall: Blake?...gee what's wrong with him?

Ally: (Worried) I think he had a nightmare,

Kyle: Oh...that's awful...

Blake: (sobs)

Ally: Oh no don't cry...Shh shh it's okay...I'm here...(hugs him tightly) I'm right here....

Blake whimpered into her chest, after he hugged back at her, Marshall Robert Kyle Went to their side When kacey az and the others looked at him from the room.

Blake: (sobs quietly)

Kyle: (smiles) Hey buddy...do you want to talk about it?

Blake: I-i don't know...i--

Robert: (puts his paw on his shoulder) you know you can tell us anything Blake, and whenever happens don't be afraid to tell...

Blake calms himself down as he spoke.

Blake: I-i saw taron skillet trying to Play the game,...I...I s-saw you guys...Were using awful W-Words....to me...(sobs) A-and..i-..I

Ally rubbed his back with her paw in comfort.

Ally: It's alright...take your time...

Blake's eyes turning up tears into his cheeks, he cried "taron...Tried to kill me...right in my wrist," he sobbed as ally looked shocked and Upset to see him like this.

Ally hugged him while he was sobbing, she rubbed his back.

Ally: (smiles at him) Well it doesn't matter what we said bad to you Blake...we would never Say that to you, we're only here to support you and that's what matters. Taron is in jail so you'll never see him again who actually hurt you.

Blake: (whimpers) But what if he's coming back?

Kyle: (smirks) then we'll protect you Because that's what friends do,

Marshall: Yeah so you don't have to be alone anymore,

The others wrapped their arms around Blake, into a group hug.

Blake: (sniffs) T-thank you...

Ally: (smiles) Alright Blake...you good right?

Blake nodded as Ally smiled at him then she gave him a kiss,

Blake: Hey guys...uhh I was wondering maybe you can sleep with me tonight? I just wanted to feel safe so I won't be having nightmares,

Ally robert Kyle and Marshall stared at him in surprised, then they looked at each other. They smiled

Ally: sure Blake

The others snuggled into the beds with Blake just to keep him Safe and warm, they snuggled with pillows and Blankets.

Blake: (Yawns) Good night...

The others: Good night Blake

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