if only....

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In the stage of Heartstone the Audience for the show.
Ally knew she was ready but she wasn't she was terrified of things couldn't forgets..

She was panicking but she started crying As Brad and the bears appeared from the other room

Victor: Hey ally have you seen--?

They saw her crying.

Brad: Oh boy...she's crying...

Victor: (scoffs) Well? Go talk to her
Brad nodded as he walked towards her and sat on the chair next to her.

Brad: Hey what's wrong?, why are you crying?

Ally: (Whimpers) It's just...I can't do this...I'm scared

Brad: but...why are you scared?

Ally: (sniffs) I have some Autophobia (is the fear of Being alone) I just can't do this brad...What if Blake wasn't..here for me?

Brad: (smiles) Of course he'll be here for you I'll make sure He's right here for you.

Victor: (smiles) True

Zeke: (smirks) Yeah Maybe your such a crybaby when you have fears.

Brad and Victor: (Glares at zeke) ZEKE!!

Zeke: What?! It's true! (Scoffs) she's being Paranoid.

Brad: (Angry) Not. Helping Zeke.

Ally sniffed as she started to cry Brad gasped as he saw her crying

Brad: Hey hey...Calm down..oh I'm so sorry About Zeke (Glares at zeke) he's acting Like a jerk! I'm sure he Didn't mean it!,

Ally: (sobs) No...he's right I might bring a paranoid Maybe I was a drama queen (scoffs) Girls don't cry Girls are really tough...

Brad: Well maybe They can cry whenever they want. Ally just because Everyone Cries doesn't mean It shouldn't be bad, Look whatever it is Blake and your friends Will always be here for you, You know girls and boys Are tough But the feelings has feelings. And there is nothing to change with that,

Ally stood in silent she sounds like Blake has a beautiful speech when brad has one. She knew He's right

Zeke: Also Being the Crybabies!

Victor: (Glares at him) zeke! Enough!

Ally Started to cry Again when Zeke messed it up again

Brad: (scoffs) Nice going Zeke!

Zeke shrugged his shoulders,

Ally: C-can you hug me?

Brad: Uhh beg your pardon?

Ally: (cries) Can you please hug me? Please??

Brad Looked shocked that she needs a hug Like daughter like Father. He wrapped his arms around her Body and pulls her closer to him.

Ally: (sobs loudly into his chest)

Brad: It's okay...sshh

Ally: (sobs)

Victor and zeke feels bad for the Female lioness Who was crying,

When she is done crying she started to feel warm on his Chest.

Ally: (sighs sharply)

Brad: Okay...feeling better..?

Ally: Yeah thank you...Dad

Brad: Huh?

Ally: (Gasps) Oh! My god (giggles) I'm sorry! Oh god haha!

Brad waved his paw.

Brad: No no that's fine..alright Get ready for the show...

Victor:  (Snorts) Whatever you say 'Dad'~

Brad: Victor! I swear to god--!!

Victor: I'm joking man. Okay?

Ally laughed as she shook her head. And she looked at the mirror she felt like a warm hug from her father. But when she was a little she was hugged by her old father With his arms.

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