Girls night out. (Ally x esme)

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As ally was walking to the other side of a room when Blake and the others were sleeping, she Opens the door and saw esme Kayla Kacey were still playing board games.

Kacey: (smiles) Ally!

Esme: (smirks) Welcome to the girls night out! Have a sit...

Ally grinned As she sat on the floor, with the other girls.

Esme: Alright since the boys were sleeping Now it's time to Play truth or dare!

Ally: Oh I love this game!

Kacey: Oh Me! I'll go first! Ally truth or dare?

Ally: Hmm Dare..

Kacey: well I dare you to kiss Esme!

Esme: Wait what?!

Ally: (deadpanned) Kacey you know I'm not a lesbian

Kacey: (smirks) Sorry girl But I choose one so kiss her...

Ally gulped as esme shrugged her shoulders.

Esme: Fine...

She kissed Her cheek. It goes Ally blushing

Kayla: Aww! What a cute couple!

Esme & ally: (embarrassed) SHUT UP KAYLA!!

Kayla And kacey laughed as Esme and Ally looked shyly, as they were blushed.

Esme: Ugh kacey you are the worst! Next time don't tell us again!

Kacey: What? I'm just playing around (crosses her arms) Sounds great...

Kayla: Alright bird girl enough talk so we can get some sleep...

Kacey: Oh yeah! Sleep over!

As kacey and Kayla went to sleep on the beds, Ally gave esme a smile.

Ally: Hey..uhh I'm sure they kidding...(blushes) is it true..?

Esme: Huh?

Ally: That your...You know we're in love?

Esme: (rolls her eyes) No That was kacey's idea she's kept messing up Ugh..we should never do it again

Ally: (smirks) Wow your really are a good kisser~

Esme glares at her in rage. As she Kept hitting her.

Ally: (laughs) Ow! Ow! Stop!

Esme: (huffs) that's not what i meant you know...but you know I love you...

Ally Got shocked.

Ally: Really?

Esme: Well I didn't say I love you twice Alls If we're in love it means you can't tell someone about this....

Ally:But what if they find out...

Esme: Well I'll kill them if they find out

Ally: (glares at her) Esme!

Esme: (smirks) I'm joking! Babe! (Smooches her cheek)

Ally felt relief as she kissed back, esme smiled at her.

Ally: Good night~

Esme: (yawns) good night Ally~

They snuggled each other in their arms and falls asleep in the bed.

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