Food fight. 🍉🍎🍟🌭🍔🍗

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In the day of heartstone theater, they were eating the dinner.
As ally was eating her favourite Meat what her mom made for her. And blake was eating his Lamb chops.

Until Ally's hair is a mess when Marshall playfully Hits her.

Ally: Ow! Hey!

Marshall: (laughs) got ya!

Ally: (glares at Marshall) Marshall!

Ally growled as she grabs the food and throws at Marshall.

Marshall: Ugh!

Kyle: Hey! No one does That to my best friend!

Kyle throws a cake at Ally. She gasped as she ducks down and then. It hits A.Z with a cake, Kyle gulped as he sat down.

A.Z: What the...?! (Growls) Who did this?!

As the others pointed their fingers at Kyle, that he's the one who did it.

A.Z: Oh it is on! (Grabs the piece of cake and throws at kyle)

Kyle screamed as his face got splashed by a cake, as Robert laughed then he glares as he Grabs the Cupcakes as he pushes it on his face.

Robert: agh! (Coughs) There's a cupcake on my face!,

The bear Grabs the hot dogs as he throws at Kyle but he missed when He hits Kacey With a hot dogs.

Kacey: (Gasps)

As she gave Robert a Venomous glare, as she Grabs a hot dog and she throws faster at Robert's face.

Robert: Ow!

A.Z: Yeah! Nice throw babe!

Kacey: (smiles at him) thank you...

Robert Growls and he picks up the fish and throws at Kacey until he hits Brad,

Brad: Huh?!

Robert: Oops...

Brad: (angry) right that's it! your going down!

He Grabs some of lobsters from the table, and throws at Kayla.

Brad: (gasps) Oh gosh I'm so sorry Kayla...

Kayla Glares at him as he Grabs the hamburger, as she throws at him on his face.

Kayla: (laughs)

Zeke:Oh yeah! Food fight!

As the others kept Throwing food T each other in food fight, when Blake Squashes the Cake and puts on Ally's hair.

Ally: (angry) Blake! What the heck?! I just washed my hair!

Blake: (chuckles) Chill Honey, We're just having fun~

Ally: (smirks) Oh really? (She Grabs a cake) how about this?, (Throws at blake)

Blake's face got on a cake, Ally laughed at him.

He Grabs the cake and throws at Ally.

As the three bears Throws the Food at Marshall Kayla Robert and Kyle on their face and their Body.

Until It hit Esme With a cake.

Esme: Ow! Ugh...okay what's going on here?

The others gasped as they saw her Appeared.

Blake: It's not what it looks like esme!

Ally: Yeah we're just playing around..

Blake: (glares at her)

Ally: What...?

Esme: (puts her paw on her hips) Playing around? Seriously? We've got work to do practising and now your just Mocking around like monkeys!

Suddenly her back of her head has a lot of Burger who got hit.

Esme: Hey!

Kayla: Come on Girlfriend Let's just have some fun!

Esme rolled her eyes as she Grabs the Chips as she throws at Kayla. The others started to laugh as they played the food fight.

They were having fun.

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