Ghosts and a new friend?

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"Yee hee hee... Bwa ha ha ha ha ha. We haven't had visitors in ages! Oh, I'm just itchin' for new friends! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Uh oh

You and grim look at each other, slowly turning your heads, tilt them up and there they are... GHOSTS! Three to be exact. Let's give them names. Ghost A,B and C! Grim latched onto you again "AAAAAH! GHOSTS! GHOOOOOOSTS!" He crawls up your robe and onto your shoulder, a troublesome habit he develops later on.

Getting into a defensive stance you look between the three ghosts. "All the people who used to live here got scared of us and ran away" Says B, "We just want a new ghost to play with! What do you say, buddy?" Says C. "I'm a master sorcerer! I ain't afraid of any dumb ghosts! Myahaaa!" Though Grim sounded very confident, he was very well shivering on your shoulder. He jumps down and starts aimlessly spewing fire. The ghosts' taunting did not help. Like.. at all. So what do you do? Hm.. You stay aside in case you get- "Grim!Stop wait come here"

Would you stop doing that?

"Funya?" Grim suspiciously eyes you and sneaks over to you. Leaning down you pick the cat monster up and aim him at the newly appeared ghosts and on top of your lungs you yell "Fire!" Poor startled Grim spews fire at the ghosts direction. "Gah!" The ghost flinches and disappears again.

Multiple 'Gahs' and 'Wahs' later the ghosts decide to flee. Grim's face lights up and looks over his shoulder to look at you "Human! I did it!" You smile at the creature and give him a high five. Such a... Sweet moment! "You mean WE did it? It was my plan after all" Grim's ears lower as he scoffs "Well.. Maybe it was.. But i was the one who beat them!" Shaking your head you put the proud little guy down.

"Good evening. In another gesture of my immense kindness, I have brought you dinner. Wait. That's the creature we ejected for causing trouble at orientation! What is it doing here?!" You jump from Crowley's sudden entrance. "Jesus! Principle. Sir. Please, knock next time...And Grim isn't an 'it' but that aside he cleaned the ghost problem up." You said as you motioned to the cat. Grim, as per usual, smiles proudly up at him "Yup! That's right! I was takin' care of yer ghost problem, that's what. You're welcome, by the way!" Crowley was yet again in a dilemma. Did these two join forces? Is this cat thing actually strong? Did this human manage to tame it in such a short time? That must be it. But obviously the best way to figure things out is to ask the two straight away

"Ah, yes... That's why it was abandoned, in fact. The ghosts scared away all the students. And you're saying that you two joined forces to drive them away?" Grim's ears perked up. Naturally he'd deny this claim "Yep! That's right. This human has become my henchman!" What? "More like "this human" managed to think up a good plan so we wouldn't have been tormented by those dead guys" ...Grim and you seemed to have already gotten close, at least that's what Crowley thought. The man couldn't help but feel a bit happy about this.

"Would you two be so kind as to demonstrate your ghost-eradication methods for me?" You raise a brow at the man "Um.. Sir we kind of beat them a few seconds ago." Grim nodded "Plus i'm super tired ya know?" "I will give you a can of tuna." In an instant the cat was bribed "Well if ya put it that way!" You feel a bead of sweat tickle down your temple. 'You have to be kidding...' "Come on Grim... But who are we gonna fight? Are you going to get new ghosts?" Crowley shakes his head "No i'll play the role of the ghosts. You two just do what you did before." After turning himself into a ghost thanks to some potion he chugged you and Grim have no other choice but to go along with his act.

After picking the cat up again you whisper to him "This could be your chance to enrol." Grim flinched and narrowed his eyes "Yeah... I'm gonna beat 'im!" You smirked at the creature and nodded "That's the spirit!"

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