The one thing you kept from then

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TW for this chapter:injuries and nose bleed

Where did we leave off?

Ah yes!

Our little (___) and their silly little friends. 

Since you are unable to use magic , only the first yers and Grim decided to stand up to the huge monster. The fight was not easy nor was it fun like fighting the ghosts. Not to mention how horrifying that thing was. 

"Begone! Begone! Begooone!"

The monster yells and just barely misses Deuce with its punch. "Bwaaah!" You clasped your hand over your mouth and the blue haired boy stumbles over his feet. As useless as you might be you lunge forward yet again, just barely pulling the boy backwards in time for the monster to trow another counter punch. Deuce looks at you and gives you a grateful smile. "Oh my god thank you so much" You shake your head and let out another sigh of relief "Holy shit dude, be more careful you were the one who wanted to stay and fight! Don't die on us." Said a very angry ginger. But you cannot disagree. This is incredibly reckless and the other three have finally realised this too as now Grim was clinging onto you. "Human, I think it's time to dip..." 

Time to dip it indeed was. You snatch Grim up and run for your life. This was the most terrifying experience of your life. It's dark and you feel nauseous from the constant running and dodging. This is very tiring for someone who never went outside for anything other than going to private lessons. How bothersome.

"Wait! You guys saw that sparkle too right?" You glance between the two first years on your side. Both of them look over their shoulders "Could that have been a magestone?!" Deuce asked as you tried your best to escape the mine. 

Thankfully your feet didn't give out and you managed to get to safety, but you were breathless and completely exhausted. Leaning on your knees you were the first to speak up "Alright I think we're safe" Ace stretched his back and groans "What even was that thing?! It was huge and god was it ugly! Why didn't the principal tell us about that thing" Deuce sighs and straightens his posture "Oh I don't know, hmmm, maybe because HE DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT" The two started arguing how this and that was supposed to be done "If you hadn't help them catch me this wouldn't happen!" "Well if you hadn't run away in the first place this wouldn't happen either!" "Well if you hadn't catapulted me this-"

"Oh my fucking god. Shut the fuck up."

 It wasn't a yell, you didn't even raise your voice. You simply spoke. This was unusual. In general every time the two bickered that day you'd yell at them and them force them to make up. But now? It was obvious you were not having this bullshit these kids have put you through. Deuce got the hint to stop since you seemed clearly overwhelmed and in a panicked state, not Ace though. 

"The hell is wrong with you?!Actually all of this is YOUR fault! YOU were the one who hit me with the broom and not to mention it was YOUR idea to catapult me into the chandelier. Who are you to tell us to shut up?! Take responsibility will you?" Harsh words in my opinion. Was it really your fault? Did you cause this? Did you put these kids in danger without even realising it and then completely ignoring the guilt? Maybe that's exactly how it was. You are nothing but a nuisance for these students and brought them nothing but misfortune. They are about to get expelled be cause you didn't think your actions through. 

It's all your fault, (___)






You were crying. 

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