Eggs, tarts and embarrassing stuff

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After around an hour or so of collecting nuts you finally had around the amount you needed for the apology tarts so you met up with your freshman friends and finally got to the school's kitchen. "Welcome back. Looks like you got plenty!" Trey said as he greeted you with a smile "Yeah, yeah..." You say with tiredness lacing your voice. The green haired boy wanted to ask you but got interrupted by Grim who demanded for Trey to make tarts for them. "Well, the bigger the tarts, the harder it'll be to peel all these nuts, so... good luck with that!" A loud, harmonic groan escapes all of you at the same time "Are you serious?!" You say with a huff "We have to peel all of these...? Suddenly the whole room is spinning..." Deuce says and leans on your shoulder.

Trey expected this negative response but it was still funny to watch all of you get upset over his words "Preparation is the key to good baking." He says and goes to get all of you your own aprons. You and Deuce got normal black aprons while Ace got a conventionally placed pink ruffled apron which he did not appreciate it. "Yeah, yeah, I know. We've come this far. We're not giving up now!" His face was red but he tried to cover up his embarrassment by acting all tough. 

All of you sat down and started peeling the nuts. Your pants were covered with the peeled skin. Mostly it was a peaceful atmosphere with occasional bickering between Ace and Deuce. But there was something, or more specifically, someone that constantly distracted you.

Trey Clover.

You'd catch yourself sneaking glances at him. He wasn't particularly the most attractive person you've ever seen. His visuals weren't even the cause of your constant glances. His presence was a bit bothersome to you. He was the only person who defended Riddle and that made no sense to you. If anything he should've complained like Cater. They could've have a peaceful third year of high school which was ruined by some random dude obsessed with rules and order. Instead he calmly explained how Riddle was "a good guy" and wasn't a bad person. 

'Somethings not right'

"There! Finally got 'em all pureed!" Ace's loud sound of relief snapped you back into reality. "My arm is killing me..." Deuce complained and slowly massaged his shoulder. Trey gave them another sweet smile and said that it would all be sweeter for them thanks to the pain. "The smell alone has me droolin'" Grim said from your lap. Trey tried giving Grim a head pat but got swatted at "Sorry for that" You say with a nervous laugh to which the green head replied with a chuckle and a head shake "Don't worry about it. Now back to the tarts. I just need to add butter and sugar to the chestnut paste, and a sensible splash of oyster sauce - that's my secret ingredient!"

You're no baker but everyone has the common sense of knowing that no one in their right mind would think this man was serious.

"Oyster sauce?!"

Except for Ace and Deuce.

Trey smirked as his scheme worked. He pushed his glasses up and nonchalantly nodded "Yep. The umami of the oysters gives the cream a deep, savory flavor. I use this one here: Walrus-brand Young Oyster Sauce. All the best bakers use it in their tarts." Ace and Deuce were getting completely bamboozled by him "Really? But isn't oyster sauce like, super salty?" "Some folks put chocolate into curry, don't they? Maybe it's the same idea." You and Trey made eye contact and simultaneously started laughing. "Come on guys..." You said and got up to go over to the bowl of the tart matter "I'm totally lying! No one in their right mind would put oyster sauce into a pastry." Trey said and leaned on the counter with his arms crossed. While no one was looking you swiped a bit of the matter with your pinkie and licked it. "Damn this is so good" Trey looked over and softly gasped "Hey! You can't eat that!" He walked over to you to take the bowl, but you managed to take and move away "Nah, I don't think so. There's plenty of it in other bowls let me have a taste! No harm done ~" He halted his movements and let out a breathy laugh, rolled his sleeves up and put his hands on his lips "Perfect. Give me the bowl." 

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