The culprit is...

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TW FOR THIS CHAPTER// Talks about health issues

Saying the match was one-sided was an understatement. 

Savanaclaw destroyed your uncoordinated friends. Even if you had predicted what they'd do, it would be impossible for them even to score a single goal. Just like how they couldn't score any now

"No way... We didn't score once!" Ace groans as he leans on his knees, barely standing. "There's not a single weak link in their defensive line!" Deuce says as he wipes some droplets of sweat going down his neck. You walk over to them, handing them some towels and bottles of water. "Well, what did you expect? You're going up against Leona, not some nobody from the countryside." You give your friends a small smile before going over to the Savanaclaw side and giving only Leona and Ruggie towels and water. "Thanks (___)" Ruggie says as he puts the towel around his neck. "The hell? What about us?" The boy with the broken nose asks. "Stop whining, go get it yourself." Their houswarden sends them off as he lifts his shirt to wipe some sweat off his chin.

For your sanity, you turned away from the man. Instead, you focused on helping Grim up into your arms after he pawed at your leg, begging for water. "What's that? You givin' up already?" He swings his arm around your neck as he smirks at the Heartlabyul students dripping buckets of sweat. "Listen, Leona, sweetheart... Everyone knows you're a Spelldrive legend. You know we can't compete against you!" Leona narrows his eyes at Cater before giving him a shit-eating grin. "On your feet, herbivores. We're having a rematch!" 

"No, no way. How is this any different than beating them up?" You ask raising a brow at the older boy. "This is legal, beating them till their mothers don't recognise them isn't" He gives you the same grin he gave Cater and gently moves you to the side. "Hmm... Well, you do have a point, but Leona this is... very unfair." You give him a reluctant stare. He waves you away. "Chill out doll, it's not like they're actually getting beat up. All they're doing is running around the field while I score points against them. "Oh and all tose times the ball or whatever the hell is hit them it was not a beating?" You narrowed your eyes at him.

"What's goin' on here?" Jack's jog finally ends as he approaches the somewhat interesting scene. "Huh? We're just having a little fun with some trespassers." Leona said as he leaned on his broom, shooting him a smirk. The wolf's face scrunched up into a frown. "What's fun about tormenting amateur players?" Leona's smile dropped, morphing into an unsatisfied frown "... Well, thanks. Now you've ruined all our fun." Jack's brows almost interlock with how upset he looked "I'm just saying this is a disgusting spectacle and I don't wanna have to see it." 

You put a fist up to your mouth making a small "oooooooooh" sound as you glance back at Leona. The dude you punched growled "Hah?! Whoa, Jack. You DO realize who you're talking to, right?" Jack only crossed his arm and stood firmly "If you're gonna play the upperclassman card, you oughta act the part." Just as another fight was about to break out Leona clapped his hands. That grin on his face was ever so malicious "Pretty bold, frosh. I guess I can respect that. All right, I'm bored now. Running up the score against you chumps ain't accomplishin' a thing. Let's go, Ruggie." He turns on his heels and starts walking towards the dorms. Leona locks eyes with you only for a moment before passing you and disappearing into the dorm's gates.

"Well... That's our cue to leave boys. Thanks, Jack." You give him a grateful smile as you go over to pick Grim up to let him rest in the comfort of your arm. "Save it. I ain't in the business of charity work." He says, arms still crossed, looking everywhere but at the mess his housewarden caused. 

As you bend down to pick Grim up, you feel another jolt through your spine, causing you to wince and straighten back up. "Shit..." You mumble to yourself as you rub the place on your back that hurts. Cater was busy talking to Jack, warning him and whatnot. Deuce and Ace were back into their world, bickering. While Grim was laughing at them. You wanted to ask one of them for help you really did, but you couldn't open your mouth to do so. Your back was absolutely killing you right now, to the point where you couldn't move for a good few seconds. 

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