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Toman was fighting an underhanded gang, Endless Sky. As Mikey was fighting the leader, another member came up behind him and stabbed him in the side.

As the parking lot was filled with Mikey's yell of pain, Draken, Chifuyu, Takemichi, and Mitsuya, looked at the source immediately. To their horror, they saw Mikey pulling out the knife, placing his hand over the wound.

Chifuyu, the closest to Mikey at the time, knocked out his opponent and ran in Mikey's direction. He saw the knife on the ground, and Mikey trying to ignore the pain. This sight made him become extremely serious, he punched the guy who stabbed him in the gut, as the guy fell to his knees, Chifuyu continuously hit him. Not stopping.

Mikey took this as his cue to finish off the leader, but when he turned to look at him, the only thing he saw was another knife. The next thing he knew, his left shoulder had a knife in it.

He wasn't going to give up, even if he had two stab wounds, he wasn't letting Toman down.

Yanking the knife out of his shoulder, Mikey kicked the leader, Sora Mugen, square in the temple, knocking him out.

Fucking finally....he was like Hanma 2.0, Mikey thought, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Turning his head in Chifuyu's direction, Mikey's eyes widened. "CHIFUYU!" He yelled, trying to get his attention. It worked, he looked up from the guy he was beating, to Mikey's expression.

Realizing why Mikey was staring like that, Chifuyu got up immediately, trying to make sure the guy wasn't dead.

"OI, DON'T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN, BOY!" Mikey heard from behind him. As he turned around, he punched the guy in the jaw, causing him to back up.

Mikey smirked. "I didn't, you little shit." He said, cracking his knuckles.

The guy held his jaw, seething with anger. As he attempted to hit him, Mikey grabbed his fist, landing a hit on him right after.

"You're cocky, Manjiro Sano." The guy kicked Mikey in the side, catching him off guard.

The sting of pain that coursed through his body was immense. He wanted to scream, but he kept his poker face on. "You're talkative, little bitch."

The guy glared at Mikey, causing him to frown. This wasn't smart, but he had to fight.

Two measly stab wounds wouldn't take him down.

As Senju Kawaragi was going to meet up with Wakasa and Takeomi, for Brahman business, she heard what she thought was a gang fight.

Running to the source of noise, she saw Mikey leaning against a wall, clutching his shoulder.

He looked beat up as hell, trying to catch his breath, and like he couldn't put any weight on his right foot.

Senju realized that if she helped him, she could gain a tie to Toman, which would allow her to make her gang stronger, as she would gain more connections. She made a call to Wakasa and Takeomi.

Mikey saw Senju from the corner of his eye. He watched as she ran over to him. Mainly confused on who she was, and why she was there.

"Who're you?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

She took off her jacket hurriedly, tearing a long peice off. "Leader of the gang Brahman. What happened here, Mikey?" Senju looked up, seeing Mikey's odd expression.

He looked like he was going to pass out. He spoke, nonetheless. "Bullshit, underhanded shit. These guys are fuckin' disgusting. If you're going into that fight, watch out." Senju nodded, tying the material around Mikey's waist.

"That should help with the bleeding. I'm guessing you already took the leader down?" She asked, Mikey nodded.

As Senju stood up, she started to walk away, then stopped. "I've got some people coming, your gang will be fine." She then ran into brawl.

After a few minutes, Mikey felt dizzy, losing feeling in his legs. As he was about to hit the ground, someone caught him.

It was Takeomi. Wakasa had already shown up and joined the fight.

Shinichiro's little brother, huh? He thought. He then shook his head. "You weak or something? Why's your gang out there fighting, while you're here?" He asked, a bit hostile.

Mikey sighed, not able to hold himself up. "I was stabbed three times, my ribs are probably broken, I can barely see, and I can't walk if I tried. If I could be out there, I would be." He seemed to be more angry than anything, but he could barely stand.

Takeomi tried to help him stand, but was confused when he only saw his shoulder bleeding, along with a peice of Senju's jacket tied around his waist, which he guessed was where another stab wound was.

He examined all of Mikey's visible injuries, finally noticing a hole in his pants with blood seeping out of it. He was stabbed in the thigh as well.

He was most likely dizzy from blood loss, but to be standing and awake with (maybe) broken ribs, three stab wounds, a sprained ankle, and most likely some kind of drug in his system, probably from one of the knives, it was amazing, his will power.

Mikey wasn't weak, by any means. He didn't know how his injuries got to that point. It wasn't like him to lose this badly. It was ridiculous. Just what the hell did that gang do to him?


Hi, this story was requested a while ago by, KawaragiSenju143 . Sorry I didn't post this earlier, and let me know what you think!

I hope you enjoyed!

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