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"Mikey?" Mitsuya asked, watching his friend snap out of his trance.

Mikey looked over at him instantly, "Hm?" He didn't realize he'd zoned out.

Emma held a concerned look on her face. "Are you okay?" She asked, to which Mikey was confused, but smiled anyway.

He looked at her. "I'm alright" He said, a calm look on his face.

Very convincing, Draken thought, having a tired look on his face. Why was Mikey always trying to hide everything? He never told anyone how he felt, ever.

It'd be nice if he was honest about it. Draken thought, closing his eyes.

Yeah. If he was more honest.

Maybe if Mikey started to be more honest about his feelings, his friends would be able to help him.

Draken ignored his idea. If Mikey didn't want to tell him about it, he wouldn't push. It was his business after all.

But still, an uneasy feeling took Draken over. As if telling him to change something, but what? He didn't know.

A few days after Mikey's birthday, the meeting between the gangs was finally held.

Brahman was confused as to why they were meeting at a shrine, while Toman was concerned about the new 'guests'.

As everyone from both gangs had finally arrived, Mikey walked through the path of Toman's and Brahman's seperation. He heard something, but kept walking.

Trailing behind him were, Senju, Draken, and Takeomi, though no one really noticed them at first.

Mikey walked up the steps to the shrine, as he stopped, Senju stood beside him. Both Draken and Takeomi were standing to the side, a few steps below them.

Murmers were heard from the crowd of delinquents, Brahman ready to fight, and Toman wondering who would dare stand beside Mikey.

"Wait, is that the Manjiro Sano?!" Someone from Brahman's side of the crowd yelled, causing the rest to quiet down.

Senju stood up straight, "BRAHMAN, LISTEN UP!" She yelled, her gang went completely silent.

Mikey looked over at her, waiting for her to continue.

"After a thorough discussion, Toman has agreed to become our ally." She stated, sending Brahman into shock.

She continued, "From this moment forward, Manjiro Sano will also lead Brahman, and I, Senju Kawaragi, will also lead Toman." She concluded, nodding to Mikey, telling him to speak now.

He nodded back to her, a serious look on his face. "As Kawaragi said, we will both lead each other's gangs, however, this does not mean our gangs will merge. You will stay separate. Though, if we need some of Brahman, and some of Toman, we can use members from both. Draken and Takeomi Akashi are both people both gangs will respect. Just as Ken-Chin is Toman's vice commander, he is Brahman's. And just as Takeomi is the vice commander of Brahman, he is Toman's."

Draken felt himself get annoyed when Mikey said 'Ken-Chin.' Why couldn't he just say 'Draken', damnit?!

Senju nodded, narrowing her eyes. "If anyone has an issue, report it to us. Your commanders." She said the last part with so much authority, even Mikey was surprised.

She really wasn't the same girl as back then, was she?

She's already made something of herself, but she still wants to go bigger and better. Mikey smiled just a bit. Though he didn't necessarily like Senju, he knew she would be a good leader to work with in the future.

While no one dared to step forward with an issue, someone did eye Mikey, not believing that the injured person in front of him was someone so legendary.

As he stopped looking at Mikey's injuries, he looked up to his face, where he saw Mikey glaring at him. His blood ran cold. Did he just offend the Manjiro Sano?? He was for sure dead. No doubt about it.

Or so he thought. Mikey released his glare and smiled at him, as if telling him, 'You're with me, now, it's alright.'

The boy suddenly felt a bit... lighter? He felt as if his problems were now shared with Mikey. As if he wasn't alone.

But, how could all this happen in just a few seconds? How did Mikey make a random person from Brahman trust him so fast? So easily? He didn't understand, but he wouldn't walk away.

The boy nodded to Mikey, serious faced.

All your problems are mine, now, Kurahara. Mikey thought, looking back over the entirety of both gangs.

As Senju had finished saying whatever she was saying, the meeting concluded, leaving Brahman and Toman to now do what they wanted.

Mikey turned towards her, "We did good today, Akashi." He said with a smile.

Senju simply nodded, about to walk away, when Mikey asked her a question. "Who exactly is Kurahara?" He asked, surprising her.

She glared at him, "Did you already do research on Brahman?" She hadn't even learned who all of the captains and vice captains of Toman were, but Mikey already knew an average member?

Mikey tilted his head a bit, "Hm? No, I just heard his name when we were walking up here." He stated, still smiling.

"Oh, um, he's an average member of Brahman. He doesn't like people he doesn't know, and won't trust anyone until they prove themself." She explained, she already couldn't stand Mikey's behavior.

He then had a sly look on his face. "Good to know, thank you, Akashi! " he said happily, walking down the steps.

Senju felt irritated. "It's Kawaragi, now." She said sternly, when Mikey turned back to her with a plain look on his face, she got anxious, but ignored it.

"Akashi just suits you better." He responded with a soft smile.

After a second, Senju sighed and nodded. Mikey took his leave.

Why can't he just call me Kawaragi?? Senju thought, then paused.

Is this how Draken feels?

Mikey Joined Draken and a few others, he knew not everyone would be happy about this, but when he explained what Toman would get out of this alliance, they were definitely more accepting.

They couldn't have anyone else get hurt, or killed. It just wasn't right.

Chifuyu spoke, "So this is what you and Draken have been hiding?" He asked, a slight smile on his face.

Mikey's attention turned toward him. "Yep, Kawaragi pitched the idea of the alliance at the hospital." Chjfuyu nodded, realizing that's why she was there.

Draken sighed, crossing his arms. "You seem to get along, but there's something you're both hiding." He said, pryingly, trying to get the information out of him.

Usually Draken wasn't one to do this, but for this circumstance, there was just something Mikey hadn't told him. And he knew by his next line that he would never tell.

Mikey smiled ever so slightly, looking the smallest bit amused. "It's a secret~" He said, he couldn't tell anyone about it, not yet. For Senju's and Sanzu's sake.


I feel like my chapters are all over the place, and sloppy, lately.

Again, if personalities seem wrong, or like they're being pushed, I apologize.

I hope you enjoyed!

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