Mr. Takahashi

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Mikey looked at his phone, which he hid in his desk, and smiled.

Senju had texted him back. 'You could've just asked Takeomi for my number, you know.'

From; Senju ♡

He took a quick glance at his teacher before he started typing.

'You know he wouldn't have given it to me that easily. He would've thought I was trying to hit on you.'

If Mikey would've asked Takeomi for Senju's number, he would've most likely prodded him about it, but in a way that made it seem nonchalant. It was honestly easier to just do it the way he did.

At Senju's next message, Mikey felt what might've been the slightest pang of sadness.

Walking down the sidewalk, Senju received Mikey's message, after she read it, she paused.

Hit on me? Him? She questioned, yes, Takeomi probably would think that, but did Mikey really have to say it?

Typing her next message, she continued walking. She couldn't let anything mess up her plan to get this alliance to benefit her gang. She couldn't even be friends with Mikey. Or, at least, that's what she thought.

To: Mikey =) 'Whatever he thinks isn't our business. Also, please never hit on me lol'

She wanted to still be on his good side, but let him know that she didn't want his friendship. At least not yet. When she was still traumatized.

She then furrowed her eyebrows. She knew Mikey wasn't the same kid she saw years ago. She knew, and yet....she couldn't get over it. The look in his eyes that day was enough to paralyze her. How would her body react if she saw that now?

Would she shut down, her mind go blank, and and not be able to do anything, again? Would she be useless again?

Was Takeomi right? Was the alliance even a good idea? If she made a mistake, she'd be dead. If she showed Mikey how much she really hated him at the hospital, would he have even worked with her? What if she didn't stop and help Mikey and Toman in their fight? Would Mikey have died? Would she have cared? Would she have felt relief?

Senju's eyes widened and her breathing stopped. Relief? RELIEF?? Why would she feel relieved if he died?? Why would she even think that?? SHE wasn't the one Mikey hurt, Haruchiyo was. HE would be devastated at his death, so why would Senju ever think she would be relieved?

Was she the monster? Was it truly not Mikey?

Perhaps she'd been projecting all of her insecurities and flaws onto him because of the incident. The incident she created.

Then, Sanzu's words from the day prior cut her heart like a knife. 'You're blaming Mikey. Yes, he made these scars, but you are the reason I have them. You created me. He didn't.'

The only reason Senju has ever seen Mikey in a bad light is because of the decision she made that day. She was at fault. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. Why would she blame Mikey for something she caused?

It wasn't his fault. Well, he wasn't completely innocent, obviously, but still, Senju felt like she was the reason everything went down. She always had, she just never admitted it.

"It's my fault. Get it through your head, Senju!" She whispered, and somewhat yelled to herself. I can't keep blamingp Mikey, but I can't forgive him either.

Her eyes saddened. If I finally told Mikey the truth, and told Haru about it, what would happen to me? She wondered.

Just as she pictured her death, laying atop a pile of dirt, drenched in rain and blood, her phone buzzed.

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