Business Talk

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"Why are you here?" Mikey asked, sounding a bit odd. If you were to wake up from a nightmare, and see someone who you don't necessarily like, it would be rather...annoying, maybe?

Senju straightened in her chair. "I'm here on behalf of Brahman to talk about how our alliance will work, seeing as you agreed to it last night." She stated, sounding professional.

Mikey wondered why she was being so businesslike with him. They were childhood friends, there was no reason for that.

He just looked at her for a second. He didn't really know yet, honestly. "I would prefer if Ken-Chin was here, too, to talk about this." Senju nodded, she guessed 'Ken-Chin' was Draken, cause his name was Ken. It was actually kind of obvious.

Mikey didn't want to be manipulated again, though he knew Senju wouldn't do it for evil. That would leave a bad mark on Brahman, and she wouldn't want that.

Grabbing his phone from the table, Mikey texted Draken, telling him to come to the hospital.

While he did that, Senju sat awkwardly in her chair. All she was here for was the alliance. Now she had to wait until Toman's vice commander got there.

Great.. She thought, sarcastically.

As Mikey put his phone down, Senju spoke, getting his attention.

"So, are you going to need surgery for your ankle?" She asked, genuinely curious.

Mikey cringed her attempt at conversation. "Yeah, actually. I have surgery tomorrow, then I get to go home."

He sounded happy when he said he could go home. Senju wished she could be like that.

She nodded, "You're allowed to go home three days after coming to the hospital with broken ribs, right?" She asked, to which Mikey agreed.

"Tomorrow is my third day, so a few hours after my surgery, I'll be good for my ribs, too, so I can leave." He explained.

Nodding once more, Senju felt an awkward silence settle in the room.

This was the first time they had the chance to have a conversation, just them, since they were around 8 and 9 years old.

(Idk when Sanzu got his scars, and how much younger Senju is than Mikey ○_○, consider this my Au.)

"Akashi" Mikey said, catching the girl's attention.

She preferred her surname to be referred to as 'Kawaragi' instead of 'Akashi' whilst she is doing Brahman business, but she wasn't in a position to argue right now. "Hm?" She asked, resting her arms behind her head.

"Don't you hate me?" Mikey asked, turning his head to her.

Before Senju could think, she responded. "Yes." Her eyes widened as she realized what she just said.

Mikey nodded, seeming unbothered. "Thought so." He smiled slightly, confusing Senju.

What? Senju thought, she figured Mikey would know she didn't like him, but the fact that he actually said it aloud was a bit surprising for some reason.

Once again, silence rested in the room. Making Senju dread being there.

Draken walked down the hall, wondering why Mikey needed him to come to the hospital. He was late, actually.

He didn't notice his phone go off when he was in his room, listening to music.

As he ignored his thoughts, he opened the door.

When he looked at the hospital bed, he was shocked. Senju was sitting on a chair, but resting her head and arms on the bed, sleeping.

He saw Mikey sitting up with his back on his pillow, just looking out the window, with his hand rested on Senju's head.

I thought he said he didn't really like her? Draken thought, a sly smirk on his face.

Mikey felt his eyes starting to close, just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard something.

"Oi, Mikey." Draken said, startling Mikey. He looked over to him immediately, removing his head from Senju's head.

It was unlike him to act like he wasn't doing something like that, as he was an outgoing, semi-open, person.

Draken stared at Mikey, curious as to why he was doing that. "What were you doin'?" Mikey averted his eyes slightly.

"I was looking out the window, Ken-Chin." He wasn't convincing.

After a few more tries, Mikey finally spilled.

He sighed. "Fine, fine. Akashi and I got tired of waiting for you, so she decided to take a quick nap. From how peaceful she looked, it reminded me of when we were kids, and I just put my hand in her hair, it was like an instinct, I used to do it back then." Draken nodded, this meant that they got along in the past, but something happened.

But what was it? He asked himself, walking closer to Mikey's bed.

After a few more minutes, Draken woke Senju up, and they got started with their business talk.

The group had ideas here and there, but there was always one who didn't like it.

Mikey finally suggested a rather clever idea for their alliance.

His idea was, so they could make their alliance work, and make sure their members get along, they would sort of merge, but not really.

They'd be two gangs, but connected. See, both gangs would be in a gang meeting, and instead of only Senju being the commander of Brahman, Mikey was too. Along with Toman, Senju was also in charge. But they were still two separate gangs, just looked over by the same people.

If one of the gangs was caught in a fight they couldn't handle, like underhanded gang fights, the other would help them out. Or, for a gang fight, you could take some of Brahman and some of Toman, and work together to fight as one gang.

Senju approved of the idea, but suggested they have frequent meetings, just Draken, Senju, Mikey, and Takeomi. Also do some inside research to make sure there is no mole.

Mikey took the suggestion, and concluded the alliance business.

The three agreed on telling both Brahman and Toman about the alliance after Mikey's surgery would be over.

He would have to walk in a boot, instead of crutches, but he still wouldn't be able to fight for about six weeks, his kicks still wouldn't be that good, though, after the broken ankle.

He'd have to work and train a lot to get his original fighting prowess back, most likely.


Hi, sorry if this doesn't make much sense, like the alliance.

I'm very tired rn, so it may not have turned out that good.

I hope you enjoyed!

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