Never Again

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Still sitting on the bench outside of the shopping mall, Mikey noticed something, "Akashi, you're not wearing a jacket?" He asked, knowing she should be cold now.

Senju nodded, "That's what I came here for." She said quietly, looking in the distance.

Mikey felt off now, he knew she had his old jacket, and she'd worn it before. Why was she acting like she didn't have one?

He then felt a pit in his stomach. She doesn't like me.. she probably gets uncomfortable wearing it.. since I like her. He sighed and leaned back, enjoying the fresh air.

After a few moments, Senju said she would go back inside. Mikey smiled and said bye to her.

He wanted to be alone now, he wouldn't let Senju see his disappointment again. She already saw him cry in the hospital twice, she would not be seeing it again.

Four weeks ago

Draken left Emma's hospital room to find Mikey, and ask how things went, but while he was looking for him, he saw Mansaku instead.

As he nodded and was about to leave, Mansaku stopped him. "Ken," He said, looking saddened.

"Manjiro's outside, go talk to him." Draken knew this couldn't be good, if Mikey had good news he would've ran and told him.. but bad news? He would hide it and say it's okay.

Thanking him for the information, Draken quickly walked to the nearest exit, where Mikey should be.

Just before he opened the doors, he heard a voice.. and he didn't like how it sounded.

"Of course she didn't like me.. god what was I thinking? I ruined everything... I'm sorry.. Akashi" the voice said, sounding pained.

Draken knew it was Mikey, so, he opened the doors, only shocked to find him crying sitting on the ground.

Hearing the door, Mikey put his head down, he didn't want anyone seeing him like this. He tried to hide the fact that he was crying, but his sobs gave him away, along with the tears landing in the fresh thin layer of snow.

Silently, Draken sat down in front of Mikey, feeling guilt for seeing him like this.

After a second, Mikey wiped his eyes and looked at his friend, ashamed to be crying over getting rejected. But then, he realized he was also crying because of Emma. He was letting all of his emotions out now, and he didn't know how to articulate it.

Draken seemed to understand, even with no words spoken. "Emma's sleeping. She said yes." He said quietly, looking at his best friend.

Mikey smiled through his tears, then laughed slightly. "We'll be brothers, Ken-Chin!" He said excitedly, even though he was feeling like a truck hit him, there was always time for excitement.

Draken smiled too, "Yeah we will."

The atmosphere shifted, back to a sad, melancholy one. Mikey stopped smiling, now a peaceful expression on his face, he leaned his head back onto the wall.

"Ken-Chin.. should I change my hair to blond again?" He asked, realizing his natural color was more suiting for him.

Draken shrugged, "whatever you wanna do." Mikey nodded, deciding it was the right choice. However, he wanted to wait a little, since he just got his hair done.

Mikey closed his eyes, unknowing of how to feel.

After a moment he laughed, confusing Draken, wondering what was funny, but then, his laugh turned into a sob, and he started crying once more.

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