Something else

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When Senju and Mikey had finally left the cemetery, school was over. Senju had skipped the day completely, along with the day before due to her and Takeomi's argument, and Mikey had left his school at about twelve, feeling like he needed some alone time.

Though he ran into Senju and they had their moment together, it wasn't so bad, it was actually more calming than being by himself.

Mikey had walked to the cemetery, while Senju had ridden Wakasa's motorcycle. As she climbed on, she watched Mikey for a while as he walked on his way to his house.

She saw how sometimes when he took a step, he winced in pain.

After a moment, she sighed.

"Oi!" She called out, the first thing she'd said to him that day.

He turned his head as he paused, curious as to what she was about to say.

Putting on her helmet, Senju started the motorcycle. "Hop on. I'll take you home." She said, to which Mikey smiled and shook his head.

"It wasn't a question." Senju stated, crossing her arms.

Seeing she was serious, Mikey shrugged his shoulders and walked over to her. He pouted slightly. "I could go home on my own, you know. I walked here from school." He stated, but was secretly happy she offered to take him home.

His ankle did hurt, he never let himself rest so it was to be expected. He'd wondered if it would even heal at this point since he was always walking around or putting pressure on it.

As he climbed on the back of Wakasa's motorcycle, he wrapped his arms around Senju's waist, he never did this with others, he would just hold onto the seat, but he knew that Senju was worried about his safety subconsciously, and this would surely help, but also tease her a bit.

Finally able to get going, Senju sighed, this would be a long ride.

"Akashi, do you remember where I live?" Mikey asked, watching houses pass by that he didn't recognize.

Senju nodded, "I do, but we have to make a stop at my house before I take you home." She explained, focused on her driving.

Hearing this, Mikey rested his head on her shoulder, feeling her shock.

At first he was worried because he thought he brought up some of her fear, but after a second, her breathing didn't increase and she didn't tell him to get off of her, so he supposed it was okay.

Though he still wanted to be sure, "Does this make you uncomfortable..?" He asked Senju quietly. He was different with her than anyone else, he always felt guilt around her and it made him act differently. He seemed to be more gentle and quiet with her.

Senju shook her head, "No, I was just surprised." She said, feeling her heart skip a beat.

Mikey smiled at that, "Good, because I like it~ ♡" he subconsciously flirted with her.

Feeling her face heat up, Senju furrowed her brows, she hated this. Whatever she was feeling right now was scaring her, it was giving her anxiety and she didn't like it. Mikey himself wasn't, but the feelings she had in her stomach and heart were not okay with her.

She sped up, catching Mikey off guard, causing him to hold her waist tighter. Making his chest press against her back. They were so close right now... Mikey blushed slightly, not backing away or loosening his grip. They were so close. He liked it.

When they arrived at Senju's house, she told him to come inside.

When she stepped through the door, she saw Takeomi's keys on the table. That was why she took Wakasa's bike, because she knew Benkei would take Takeomi's back to him.

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