The movie

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Readers POV:

The next day I was walking to class E and saw Nagisa walking. I'm not sure why I never noticed him before.

"Nagisa!" I called out to him and he turned around fast.

"Oh hey (Y/n)!" He smiled while waiting for me to catch up.

We walked in silence for awhile while I had one headphone out of the ear in case he wanted to talk.

Once we met up with Karma, Nagisa talked to him. I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying till Karma waved his hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry! Did you say something?" I asked.

"Yeah, I asked if you and Nagisa wanted to hang out today; after school of course." Karma spoke; walking backwards in front of me.

"I'll have to ask my parents." I mumbled.

"Great it's settled then, I'll stop by your house with you and you can ask." Karma smirked while facing forward again.

"Or I can just give you my number and tell you what they say." I suggested.

"We're going there anyways, so there wouldn't be a point to that." Nagisa explains.

"I guess you're right. Alright then, after school." I agreed.

"Say (Y/n), why don't you just text them?" Karma asked.

"Funny thing.. I uh forgot their numbers." I nervously laughed.

They don't know I have this phone. I got my old phone taken away since I got transferred to class e.

"Don't you have it saved?" Nagisa asked.

"Nope, it's a new phone so my contacts got deleted." I lied.

Thank god they didn't ask questions. I could've sworn they wouldn't have believed that.

As we got to school, the octopus greeted us and we got straight to work. His teaching skills were incredible! The fact the he's helping everyone and giving them work on there own level. Normal teachers wouldn't do that. They don't get payed enough to care.

"Pst, (Y/n)!" Karma whispers as I'm trying to work.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Karma, (Y/n), do you guys have something to share with the class?" The octopus was waiting patiently with his head red again.

"Actually I have a question. Why do you change to red when you talk to me? Do you like me or something?" I asked, in my head I found this hilarious. Karma was trying not to laugh out loud too.

"Now that's inappropriate!" I cut the octopus off there so he doesn't give me a lecture yet.

"Awe are your feelings hurt since I rejected you? Wait do you even have feelings?" I asked.

At this point Karma was dying laughing and Nagisa just shook his head and continued with his work.

"(Y/n), Karma, after class I need to speak with you." The octopus mumbled.

"Karma didn't do anything, why him?" I asked.

"You guys were talking so I can only assume you both planned it." He explained.

As I was about to defend Karma, Karma placed his hand on my arm to assure me not to do that.

After the bell rung everyone left the classroom.

"I'll meet you guys outside." Nagisa mumbled as he left too.

Karma and I nodded as we waited.

"Now you guys know that was inappropriate right?" The octopus cleared his throat.

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