The weekend

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Readers POV:

On our way back, Karma and I fell asleep on the train together. We had to deal with it once we woke up. Koro-Sensei made sure there was a picture for everyone of it.

After I got home, Sebastian was sleeping on the ottoman in the hall. I brought him upstairs to sleep in his bed.

It's now the weekend, thank god. I've never been this excited to stay home.

"(Y/n), your brother and father are leaving. Come say goodbye to them." Mother yelled up to my room.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

As I walked down the stairs, my brother looked disappointed. So did everyone else.

"Before we leave (Y/n), is there anything you would like to say to us? Maybe about a oh I don't know.. a guy." Father interrogated me.

"No? I don't recall anything I should inform you about a guy?" I mumbled, trying to figure it out myself.

"Maybe this will jog your memory." Ezra showed a picture of Karma and I.

He kept scrolling, there was more than the train one. There was the time he had his arm loosely around me. They even got when he pulled me away so we could talk in private. And then when we were talking in private.

"Care to explain why you were hanging out with him? Not only that but why it seems like you guys are dating." Mother mentions.

"Good news, we're not dating. However I hang out with him because he's my friend." I assure them.

"Now if you excuse me, I'm going to see him." I pushed through to go to his house.

I just showed up and knocked on his door.

"(Y/n)?" He asks once he opens the door.

"Hey Karma, who's account was this?" I asked showing his the account then the photos of us.

"I'm almost positive it was Sugino who took the pictures. Koro-Sensei must've given him that job." Karma laughs while continuing to look at it.

"We did look cute like that though." Karma points to the picture of us sleeping on the train.

"You can come in if you want. I know your family wouldn't like to see us together." Karma mentions.

"They at least know I'm here." I mumbled as I take his offer to come inside.

I followed Karma to his room and just awkwardly stood as he sat on the bed.

"Don't be so nervous. I wont bite." Karma jokes as I sit down next to him on the bed.

"Want to watch a movie?" Karma asked.

"Sure." I mumbled, still being awkward.

"If it gets too awkward, I can invite Nagisa." Karma mentions.

"It's fine." I assure him.

Karma puts on a horror movie. Of course, honestly what else did I expect.

"Remember when we went to the movie theater with your brother?" Karma asks.

"Yeah." I mumble.

"You tried acting tough but you looked so terrified. You also refused to hold onto someone." Karma laughs.

"Shut up." I muttered.

Karma shrugged then came to sit back down. Karma and I both sat against the wall next to each other. Karma did the classic yawn then put his arm around me.

"Very smooth Karma." I sarcastically laughed.

Karma smirked then continued watching the movie.

"As long as there no photographs being taken." I sigh then get comfortable in Karma's arms.

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