Kyoto pt 2

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Readers POV:

"Nice spot. For assassination, I mean." A kid spoke. I honestly should remember their names.

"Don't you think Nagisa?" Someone asked.

"If the snipers can see it, sure." Nagisa agreed.

"What a bizarre field trip, right?" Kaede asked.

"Maybe. But you gotta admit it's fun." Nagisa looked on the bright side for everything.

"Whatever we do we have to get green tea warabimochi dumplings!" Kaede gleams.

At this point I'm listening to my music. I technically didn't want to go. So there's so many things besides having fun on my mind.

"What do you think (Y/n)?" Karma asked me, getting up into my face.

"Huh? About what?" I ask as I notice they're having a conversation about something.

"If we should try and poison Koro Sensei with a treat. I mean he does have a sweet tooth." Karma explained.

"Do you really think it would work?" I asked.

"We can always try." Karma shrugs.

After that we started exploring Kyoto more. Nagisa was our guide basically.

"Cool! Next up is Yasaka Shrine!" Okuda cheered.

"Mind if we take a break first? I could really go for some sugar-loaded Kyoto coffee right about now." Karma sighs.

Yay, sugar!" Kaede celebrates.

I felt like someone was watching us from afar. I brushed it off like nothing though.

"Talk about off the beaten path. Gino is a ghost town this far in." Kaede mentions as we keep walking.

"Yeah. Places like this put a cap on the number on people allowed. So you don't catch many people just wandering around." Kanzaki mentions.

"Secluded, lots of good hiding places. That's why I made sure to put it on the itinerary. It's ideal for assassinations." She adds.

"Good job, Kanzaki! You really do your homework!" Kaede praises.

"I vote this is where we do the deed!" She mentions as I get a weird feeling off the bat.

"Ideal is right. It's also a great spot for kidnappers to ply their trade." Some punk spoke, coming out from the shadows.

We were surrounded! I knew something didn't feel right.

Karma's arm was in front of me. Almost like he didn't want to show that he was trying to protect me.

Now's not the time to think about that. I know a bit about fighting so I can help beat these punks up. Although if my family finds out I'm fighting, I'd be brought into A class immediately.

"I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but, something tells me you gentlemen aren't tourists." Karma mentions, he sounds calm too.

"Don't try and be a hero, carrot top. Hand over your lady friends and wa-" The punk couldn't finish before we attacked.

By we it was mostly Karma, but I was protecting the back of them in case they resided to jump them.

"Y'see that? What did I tell you? To hell with 'em. Without any witnesses, it's basically a free-for all, so go nuts!" Karma teased.

"Hey!" Nagisa warned Karma.

"I'm gonna gut you like a pig!" The guy pulled a knife on Karma.

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