The end

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Readers POV:

After that day, school was fun, and Karma and I snuck out every night. Years has passed since this day, but it's too important not to say it. we were closer to the end of the year then before. The government has Koro-Sensei in a bubble. The whole class decided to attempt to rescue Koro-Sensei.

It was unsuccessful, we ended up killing him in the end. Nagisa actually got the honers too. It was an emotional day. After that, I stayed in my room. I had all the memories of teasing Koro-Sensei. I just wished he didn't have to explode.

The next school year came, Karma and I dated in secret. Not exactly though. That went on for another school year after that too until my mom finally brought me to my dads.

Karma and I still kept in touch. We never had the need to break up. So we stayed together.

Today is the last day of school I'm going to see Karma and find a house with him. We already saved up the money.

I met up with him, Nagisa, and Nakamura. We had a blast. And soon enough Karma and I lived together and I cut my family out of my life. Ezra and Sebastian ended up hating me for what I did. All though I don't regret it.

Karma is a good amount of protectiveness and he knows when to calm down a bit.

He's quite the cheeky one. Very flirty too. He also plans out dates months ahead of time and puts so much thought into it.

He wants a kid, I just don't think I'm ready for it yet. Which he respects, in fact he said he'd wait till I'm ready then we can discuss it.

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