The tension

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Readers POV:

Who knows when I'd be going into class A so I have to enjoy it while it lasts. I mean, the worst that can happen if I got in to class A would be me being monitored so I don't see Nagisa and Karma.

"(Y/n), we still on for tonight?" Karma asked.

"Yeah, is Nagisa picking?" I asked.

Nagisa seems like he'd have something calm and happy.

"Yeah, any time you have to be home?" He asked.

"Nope." I obviously lied since I can't even be seeing them.

"Alright class take your seat. Exams are coming up at I need you to get the best grades you can." The octopus mentioned.

The entire school day we studied; how boring!

"Earth to (Y/n)!" I heard Karma say as he was waving his hand in front of me.

"Oh sorry, what's up?" I asked snapping back to reality.

"It's lunch time." Nagisa mentions as he comes up to my seat.

"Already? I must've dazed out after the teachers boring teaching." I sighed.

"I find it quite neat that he can help us all out on our own learning skill." Nagisa seems so deep into thought with the teacher.

"What you guys talking about?" Someone else joins. She had blonde hair and didn't seem fazed by me.

In fact she wasn't the one to talk about me with her friends. I don't need to make anymore friends though. In the end I just would disappoint them later on.

"I'm going outside." I stood up and grabbed my things.

"Mind if I join?" She asked.

I just shrugged my shoulders and continued walking.

"I'm Rio Nakamura!" She smiled as she followed me outside.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." I replied.

I don't know why Karma and Nagisa didn't come out. They must've planned something.

"You're not as scary as everyone says. In fact you're quite cute." She laughed while messing up my hair.

"Thanks?" I questioned.

"What class were you before this?" She asked as we sat by a tree.

"Class A, but I got into to many fights." I mentioned.

"You were in class A with all those snobby kids?" She asked.

"Yeah, all they would talk about is grades and the latest gossip." I scoffed at how ridiculous they were.

"Seems boring, so you like it here better I'm assuming?" She asked.

"Yeah I guess?" I started second guessing the fact of why she's talking to me.

"Did Karma or Nagisa put you up to this?" I asked looking around for them.

"To tell you the truth, yes." She sighed.

"Why?" I asked.

"They said you were acting weird, they wanted me to talk with you. You know, girl to girl." She explained.

"They just met me though." I mumbled.

"Yes but Nagisa has a great thing for analyzing people." She mentioned.

"Yeah I've noticed that." I replied. "Well thanks for the talk, I'm going on a walk." I sat up and walked away.

I walked away from the campus, I didn't think it would be a big deal. Considering we're on a literal mountain. As long as I come back in time it should be fine.

On my walk Nagisa and Karma kept blowing up my phone.

"Hello?" I finally answer Nagisa.

"Where'd you go? Nakamura said you just walked off!" Nagisa seemed worried.

"I'm on a walk, be back shortly." I assure him then hang up.

After school, we walk with Nagisa to his house for a movie.

"Get comfortable wherever, I'll be back." Nagisa assured us as he left Karma and I in his room.

"What movie do you think he'll pick?" I asked.

"Who knows, him and I only recently starting hanging out again." Karma mentioned.

"Why'd you guys stop?" I asked.

"I always caused trouble and he found himself new friends. Once we got kicked into class E, we gotten closer." Karma explained.

"Well I'm glad it worked out." I tried looking on the bright side.

"Yeah I guess." He mumbled.

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier with Nakamura and everything." He sighed.

"It's fine, I get it you were worried. Maybe next time just talk to me okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." He basically whispered.

We were both sitting on Nagisa's bed, staring at each other. Not sure why but I just can't move my gaze from him.

"I got the movie!" Nagisa burst through the door.

Karma and I jump, no reason at all in my opinion. We were just talking, so why'd we jump.

"You guys okay with (f/m)?" Nagisa asked.

"Of course! That's my favorite." I gleamed.

After the movie, the boys were both asleep. I walked home by myself instead of waking them up. After all it's not that far.

Once I got home my mother was talking with her boyfriend. Not exactly talking, more like fighting but it's quite normal.

"Where we're you? Moms fighting again and Ezra and dad left to go eat out." Sebastian cried.

"I was at my friends, I'm here now. Want to go onto a walk?" I asked since I don't need the fight escalating.

He slowly nods his head and puts on his shoes.

As much as he's a brat, I can't have him around when moms fighting.

"You ready?" I asked once he tied his shoes.

"Yeah.." He mumbled.

I brought him on a walk to the park until seven; I got home at five from Nagisa's. On our walk I bought him food and he ate at the park so we didn't have to come home yet.

"I still hate you." He muttered.

"I still hate you too." I sighed.

Once we got back home, I tucked him in then went to bed.

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