The argument

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Readers POV:

The next day, my mom and I were in an argument after school.

"Sweetie, we need to talk." Mom never uses sweetie unless I'm not going to like what she has to say.

"About?" I ask, placing my coat on the coat rack by the door.

"Your father and I want you to stop hanging around those friends of yours." She mentions.

"It's none of your business who I'm friends with. Besides it's not like I'll fall for them." I roll my eyes and walk to the stairs.

"That's exactly what we don't want you doing. Maybe we can get you to hook up with the principals son?" She explains.

"He was the reason I got into my last fight." I defended myself.

"(Y/n), we're doing this for your own good. That Karma boy is no good!" Father chimes in.

"You expect any of my friends to me "good" despite me being in class e. Which I don't want to leave by the way." I snap.

"You're leaving that classroom next year, we talked to the principal. You know he's a very good friend of your fathers." Mother mentions.

"I'll fail so I have to be put back. As much as I tease the teacher it's fun. I also have friends who understand me." I yell, looking back at them as I'm only on the first step of the stairs.

"(Y/n) you don't get a choice about it. We'll talk with him about putting you back in sooner. And we expect you to become friends with Asano. He has already agreed to it so when you go back, you'll spend your days with him." Father ends the argument.

"That's so not fair!" I yelled as I slammed my door.

I locked my door, opened my window, then jumped out. I normally do that, they should've seen it coming.

I walk around the neighborhood for hours till I'm ready to come back home. My headphones were blaring in my ears so I had no idea about my surroundings. As I was walking back someone tapped my shoulder.

I jumped from the sudden touch since I didn't hear them coming up. When I looked back I took out one of my headphones before I let them speak.

"Hey Nagisa." I mumbled.

"Karma and I tried texting and calling you. Is everything alright?" Nagisa asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, I had my phone on silent." I assure him.

"Alright, well we were just heading up to the river. You want to join?" Nagisa asks.

"I can't, I should get going. Maybe next time?" I reply.

"Of course, I'll let you know so it's not last minute too." Nagisa chuckled.

"Alright, see you later." I wave bye and put my headphones back in.

Once I get home I climb back up through my window and just lay on my bed, looking at the ceiling for awhile.

Nagisa's POV:

"Did you find her?" Karma asked.

"Yeah, she said she had to go back home." I mention.

"Strange, is everything alright?" Karma asks.

"She said she was fine. I also tried inviting her to go to the lake." I mention.

"Any luck?" Karma asked to obvious.

"Nope." I sigh.

"Why would she run away from home then go back?" Karma asked as we started walking.

"Who knows, maybe just to calm down?" I suggested.

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