Chapter 41- Terrified

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Elise's Pov-

After about an hour of walking around I eventually found the Starbucks. Before I headed inside however, I decided to go into hot topic. I walked to the anime section of the store and started browsing for anime tops that I would get Adam or Mitch to buy me, whenever I dragged them back down here.

"Black Butler tops... Black Butler tops..." I muttered to myself as I flicked through the shirts. Hetalia- no, Angel Beats- no, Ouran High School Host Club- no, Black Butler- No- Wait yes!

I pulled the other tops back and stared at the ten different designs of tops. One of them had the Shinigami's on, aka Grell, Ronald, Will, Undertaker, Eric and Alan. It was awesome. I put the shirt back on the clothing rail and pulled out my phone.

To: Adam

From: Elise

Remind me to come back down down later on in the weekend with you to grab some shirts from Hot Topic. I'll be home later bro.

I smiled at my phone and put it in my back pocket and headed back to Starbucks to grab my drink and then head to the park.


Ty's Pov-

It was 1 when I finally ordered my drink from Starbucks and headed to the park. It must have been further away then I expected because it took me a while to even figure out where I was going.

Halfway there, I stopped dead in my tracks. Standing in front of me was Elise, staring right back at me, her own drink in hand. The red smoothie in the Starbucks cup slipped from her grasp and hit the ground and she mouthed something to me. She spun on her heels and ran off, leaving the mess on the pavement. "Wait!" I called after her, picking up my pace and running after her.

Why would she just run from me like that? Whatever the reason, I had to ask why. Why she decided to cheat on me with Jason...

It was no use. After trying to run after her, I noticed her slip down an alleyway. There was no way in hell I would be able to find her and ask her now.

Sighing to myself, I turned back and decided it would be best to go home and wait for her to return. Maybe then I could get some answers from her.


Elise's Pov- (At the same time as Ty's)

My eyes widened. What was he doing here? He stood directly behind Ty. Ty- What? My hand faltered in its grip on the cup, letting my smoothie slip and smash onto the ground just by my feet.

The person I feared most, more then Dawn or Seto, was standing just a few yards away from the person that took up most of the room in my heart. Even after what had happened between me and Ty, I still loved him truly, I really do.

Run, he's going to get you! I mouthed to Ty, hoping with all my might that he was able to heed my warning before I turned around and got my ass out of there.

"Wait!" Ty yelled after me, I heard him running, picking up his pace to catch up to me. I was terrified. My life was going down hill so fast, what was going to happen to me next?

I looked back over my shoulder as I ran into an alleyway, seeing that Ty had stopped and was walking back the way we had run. Slipping into the shadows of the alley, I let out a sigh of relief. I was away from the monster that caused my life to be a living hell for multiple years.

I turned my back, going to walk back out from my hiding spot when a hand covered my mouth and and arm wrapped around my waist. Eyes wide, the person pulled me backwards.

"You're not out of harms way yet." They whispered into my ear. "You'll pay for what you did. Until then, why not have a little fun."

As I was dragged backwards, I couldn't do anything but struggle against their grip, but it didn't work. They wouldn't let me go.

If only Ty had continued to chase after me. Maybe I could have escaped, told him that he was here for me, we could have told the cops. I would be safe.

Now I was captured, heading god knows where, with two of the people I was scared of the most. I knew who it was as soon as they whispered down my ear. He was back, and he was not happy. He had also brought friends.

Mike and James had come back for me. And I knew I was not going to make it out of this one alive.


Hey~ Whats going on my little FireFlys? Long time no see right?

Yeah sorry about the lack of updates. I've been busy lately and its exam week, and I have had writers block so that sucks.

But yeah sorry for no updates in a while and sorry this is so short. I know I'm a terrible person, feel free to shoot me now. Anyways If you've enjoyed this chapter, be sure to slap that vote button with your headphones and leave a comment.

I'll see you all later~ Bye~

Keep on burning, Much Luv~

~FreeFireMc Out!

P.S I wrote this song whilst listening to the song 'Keiyaku' from one of the kuroshitsuji musicals so sorry if there's a certain dark theme to the chapter. The song is about a demon and his contract after all.

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