Chapter 6- I Can't

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Elise's Pov-

The sun shone down on me and I opened my eyes only to see Ty leaning over and looking at me.

"Where are we?" I groaned still half asleep. I went to grab the covers and turn over but I realised there was nothing. "Stop taking the covers aswell."

"I'm not, we're still out in the forest you idiot" Ty said running and hand through his hair.

I sat up straight and stared at him. "So you mean to tell me I slept on the ground last night!" I shrieked.

Birds flew off from the trees in multiple different directions. I guess my yelling disturbed them. Oh well... Good.

"Ssh. Yes you slept on the ground last night. Don't worry, we were laying on a blanket."

"Why didn't you take us home?" I asked sighing.

Ty looked at the ground and sighed. "Sorry I was meant to but I was watching you sleep and-"

"Pedo" I remarked cutting him off.

He playfully glared and me and continued. "I fell asleep next to you and yeah."

I shook my head and smiled at him before getting up. I pulled him up from the ground and helped him pick up the blanket.

We carried all the stuff back to the house. I opened the door and we walked inside to get ambushed with hugs from everyone.

"Where were you?!" Em yelled and hugged me tightly.

I laughed and hugged her in return. "We both ended up falling asleep that's where we were" I giggled.

Holy shit did I just giggle? I think I did...

"Gay or European
So many shades of gray
But if he turns out straight I'm free at 8 on Saturday" Lillie walked into the room with her headphones in and she was singing at the top of her voice.

She finally noticed we was standing at the door and she stopped suddenly. She blushed bright red and slowly backed out of the room.

Adam burst out laughing but I couldn't help but notice the tone of sadness in his voice. Could it be over...? No. Of course not... Right?

"I'm going back to bed" Ty said yawning.

"Oh no you're not!" I said and grabbed his wrists and pulled him towards me. "Bring me with you" I laughed.

Ty picked me up and carried me up the stairs to our room. I went into our bathroom and got changed into PJ's and climbed into bed next to Ty.

"Morning" I said and closed my eyes.

God I hoped the guys downstairs would eventually shut it.


Adam's Pov-

I tryed my best to hide the sadness laced in with my voice over the last three weeks. It was near impossible but I managed to get along somehow.

Alesa... you weren't just a star to me, you were my whole damn sky.

I have this feeling where I'm just waiting. Waiting to get home into my room, close the door and fall into bed and just let out everything that I've kept in during the day. That feeling of both Relief and Desperation, nothing is wrong yet nothing is right either. And I'm tired. Tired of everything, of nothing. I know I have to be strong, for myself, for the others, because no one can fix me. I'm tired of waiting. Waiting for someone to attempt to fix me, to fix everyone else. Tired of being strong. Just for once, I just want it to be easy, to be simple, to be helped, to be saved in a way. But I'm still hoping, I'm still waiting, I'm still wishing, I'm still staying strong and fighting. Fighting with tears in my eyes.

I'm still fighting.

So many thoughts ran through my head, I felt like I would explode. And it's hard to forget someone; that you know you'll always remember.

I act like it doesn't bother me, when on the inside its killing me, Slowly ripping me to shreds, limb from limb.
And now I'm sad all over again.

I'm just sad because I really liked her; more then I've liked anyone for a long time. Then I got slapped in the face with the reality that I'll never be able to call you mine again. And that it probably isn't much of a deal to her, since she's the one who left, not me.

And Yasmin... I'm mad at myself, not you. I'm mad for always being nice, always apologizing for things I didn't do, for getting attached, for making you one of my best friends, depending on our friendship sometimes, thinking about our friendship, forgiving you, wishing for you.

And most of all I'm mad at myself for not hating you because you left me aswell, I know I should. I just can't.

And honestly I don't know why I'm still waiting.

If I just ended this. Ended everything, including my life. Who would miss me? It would end all the heartbreak.

But I can't do that. Not to the team. Not to the Fans...

Not to Elise, my own sister.


Hey FireFlys, FreeFireMc here! I have alittle thing to ask from you FireFlys.

I need 10 oneshots for a future chapter. They all need to be DeadFire oneshots and they can be based off of anything you want. They can be any genre you want. I need them for next Thursdays update.
(I'm going to regret this. Cough cough Wonder Lilly and Shadow)

But anyways if you enjoyed this chapter be sure to slap that vote button with your headphones. If your new to the FireFly Army, Hello and I hope you enjoy it here! If your new and you arn't part of the army, slap that follow button aswell!

So close to my 150 FireFlys, one off!
What should I do for a 150 follower special? Comment and leave ideas! I'll do 5 things of whatever you want me to do!

Keep on burning, Much Luv!

~FreeFireMc Out!!!

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