Chapter 19- Taps turned off

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Emily's Pov-

I repeatedly turned the tap and sighed in frustration. Leaving the room I knocked on Ty's and Elise's bedroom door "The taps arn't working in my room!" I yelled as I knocked on the door.

Ty opened the door partly, looking even more pissed off then me. "Yeah I can tell" He said, running his hand through his hair and he opened the door wider to let me in.

Sitting around the room was Ian and August along with Quentin. "I'm guessing you're here for the same reason we are" August said crossing her legs as she sat in Elise's spinny chair.

"The taps arn't working" I said. I sighed and sat down on the bed and looked at Quentin. "So what brings you here?"

"My taps don't work either."

"Oh." So it wasn't just our taps they messed with, it was Quentin's aswell. But that's not fair because Quentin is the ref. Quentin is also a fish and fish need water to survive.

"I'm not a fish" Quentin huffed and crossed his arms.

I looked up at him and smiled sheepishly. "Did I say that outloud?"

"No I can just tell what you're thinking Em, I know you." He said seriously. "But I'm also here to help you get revenge on them. I know I'm the ref but they messed with the wrong--"

I cut him off. "FIESH" I screamed.

"--Aphibian. I was going to say Aphibian" Quentin finished. I let out a laugh and smiled.

"Well I'm sorry but I need a shower. I'm going next door to the Lillior house" Ty said and stood up.

My eyes widened. He couldn't! Elise was there! Shoot what do I do now? "You can't!"

"I know Em. I know why I can't, but I can't not shower" Ty sighed and sat back down.

"Why can't Ty go and shower next door?" Ian asked and leaned in waiting to hear more.

"Because- umm because..." I looked out of the window and inspiration struck. "It's storming outside" I covered.

"Oh alright then I suppose" Ian shrugged. "I'm going to have a word with Jason."

I laughed and stood up at the same time he did. "Likewise, but with my boyfriend, Mitchell."

I left the room after Ian and closed the door shut behind me. And then I made my way down to the living room where I'm almost certain he was.

"Mitchell!" I yelled and walked into the living room. I was correct, there he was sitting on the couch talking to Jerome.

"Looks like your in trouble, she used your full name. Good luck biggums" Jerome said noticing me and getting up.

"Sit that Bacca behind of yours back on that couch. Neither of you are going anywhere untill I get answers" I said narrowing my eyes at him and then looking at Mitch. "What did you do to our showers and taps and every other source of water that was inside this house?"

Mitch grinning sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Urmm well Jason and Jerome stopped them from working. Don't ask me how they managed it, I don't really know. But it was... Uhh me and Adam that tied you all up."

"Idiot. Can you get the taps working again?"

"Umm you'll have to ask Jase and Jerome about that one." Mitch said honestly.

I looked to Jerome expectantly and he laughed akwardly. "I don't think so. To be honest I don't know what we did to them, we just messed around with them a bunch. Oops" Jerome said biting his lip to hold back his laughter.

I glared at the two and turned back to face the stairs. "Foul play for the first prank but I give you props. Just don't expect us to go easy on you when we get our revenge" I smirked and walked off up the stairs again.

"Em. Emily wait up!" Ian said as he walked up next to me. "I talked to Jase and well he said he doesn't actually know what he did to stop the taps and he doesn't think they can get them to work again either" He rolled his eyes. "What about your conversation with Mitch?"

"Luckly Jerome was there or else I wouldn't have gotten any answers at all because Mitch wasn't the one the broke all the taps, it was just Jason and Jerome. But Jerome said the same thing as Jason did" I replyed. "Any other useful information?"

Ian stopped, deep in thought and then finally it must have come to him. "Oh yeah and Adam has a bath full of water in his room."

I pulled a face. Water stored in Adam's bath? No thanks. Not that there's anything wrong with Adam or his bath just... No thanks.

"That's what I thought" Ian laughed addressing the face I had pulled. "You dunno if Adam cleaned that bath out before he filled it up or not."

"Probably not."

"Yeah probably."

I stopped as I came to my room and waved goodbye to Ian and told him we would meet at his room later on.

I closed the door behind me as I entered and laid down on the bed. Ugh stupid boys and turning off the taps, leaving us with only Adam's bath water.

I'm never gonna get a shower at this rate.

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