xi. ring

396 35 11

"Are you sure you'd like to do this, Kaneki?"

Uta asked, eyeing the white-haired boy carefully. The boy solemnly nodded, his jaw clenching. It wasn't like it was going to be the end of the world if he did this. It wasn't going to kill him either. This was all just for the sole protection for Hide.

Besides, it would just be a petty injury.

"All right." Uta held a small silver scalpel, poised above the gleaming kagune. Kaneki stared at the scales that lined the strange appendage, watching as Uta chiseled off a scale one by one. It was painful for some reason, but he regenerated the scales anyway. Fortunately, he managed to refrain himself from stabbing the mask-maker, and waited patiently as exactly three hundred scales were plucked off. His breath hitched, and Uta finally put back the scalpel on the silver tray.

"Now, please forgive me for doing this." Uta said, and he took a syringe full of green liquid. He pulled Kaneki's eyelid back, injecting the liquid carefully. The boy grimaced, feeling a loss of sense in his lower back region. Uta took a larger knife and began carving through Kaneki's skin.

"Are you okay, Ken?" He asked, making sure not to hurt they poor boy.

"Y-y-yes." He stammered.

"Done-I have some of your kakuhou cells, so the object shouldn't be a problem in achieving the desired performance."

"Thank you, Uta. When will it be done by?"

"Sometime next week by the very least. The earliest would be Monday."

Kaneki flashed a smile of gratitude, thankful for the man that sat in front of him.
"Thank you. Please call me once you have finished it."

"It's beautiful." Kaneki marveled. Uta always had precise fingers, careful not to do a single fault in such situations. The ring that was formed from Kaneki's rinkaku shimmered red with traces of black. It had the design of large scales, just like Kaneki wanted it. The ring was extraordinarily smooth as well, even if it did come from one's kagune. Overall, it was an exquisite piece of work that Kaneki adored.

"Thank you, Kaneki. When will you give it to your cherished human?"

"Possibly today. I already arranged something to give it to him." Kaneki explained, and the mask-maker nodded in thought, before giving him a black velvet box to gift the ring in.

"Remember, Kaneki. This ring isn't a toy, especially because it is being given to a human. If Hide doesn't manage it carefully, he may very well kill himself."

"Yes, I know, Uta. Have you already tested this out, though?" He didn't want to give something dangerous to Hide-well, nothing that could malfunction at any moment.

"Yes. The ring should turn into a single red kagune, and if he wanted too, he could make it into four smaller ones, just like yours."

Hearing this made Kaneki brim with pride, smiling to himself. He could protect Hide even if he wasn't there. It would make sense to do such a thing, especially since ghouls have become a lot more active.

"Thank you so much, Uta. How much yen-?"

"None at all, Kaneki. All for free. Besides...it'll be quite interesting to see you and a human function together." The mask-maker smiled, and the other ghoul smiled gratefully. It was quite kind for him to do that, making it free of pay. But for some reason, it made him feel queasy.

The sky was opalescent, burning with several vivid colors. Small wisps of white lined the sky, and the air was light and airy. It was a perfect day to go to the park, just like they did when they were kids.

Kaneki rubbed his fingers against Hide's knuckles, enjoying the way the rays of sunlight illuminated his pallid face. A soft small was curled across his lips, and his eyes were half-lidded. Hide was clad in a white button up with a pair of black jeans.

"It sure is pretty today." Hide murmured from the corner of his mouth, and Kaneki nodded in response, feeling the velvet box in his pocket grow heavier and heavier by the second. Pressing his lips together, he laced his and Hide's fingers together.



Hide turned, a smile growing ever so slightly.
"I have a question for you."

Here it comes, he thought.

"Okay, hit me."

Kaneki pulled himself from the bench (seriously, it's been there ever since the park was established) and got on one knee. The blond looked confused, puzzlement sparkling in his eyes. The white-haired boy pulled the black velvet box from his pocket with clammy hands. Hide's eyes widened.

"Will you marry me?"

"I..." He seemed at a lost for words, and soon Kaneki grew disappointed. But he would respect whatever the other wants.

"Y...yes?" Hide seemed questioning, but soon Kaneki realized why. He pulled a red velvet box from his pocket and opened the lid, showing a silver ring with the words "Let's go home," on it. On the inside of the silver band was NH + KK. It seemed so tacky, but it made Kaneki burst into a a great vehement smile.

"Yes, then." Kaneki laughed, and Hide threw his arms around him. However, Hide eyed the ring, which slipped onto his finger easily. It glimmered red and black.

"Did you make it out of your kagune?" Hide whispered.

"Yes. It was...it was for your protection. When I'm not there."

"You're such a dork." Hide grinned.

(A/N I'm too lazy to edit stuff. This was based off a prompt from Tumblr and makes absolutely no sense but I mean wutver am I rite)

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