xvii. one thousand minus seven?

325 20 13

Hide furrowed his eyebrows, rubbing his fingers against the seam of the black laptop. The CCG said that the tracking device he placed on the infamous ghoul, Jason, had, most likely, unknowingly recorded the audio as well. Hide didn't even intend for that to happen when he designed it, but it's better that he knew. The CCG said they had to remove some content, as some of it was strictly confidential to the CCG and the CCG's ears only, but they hadn't done so yet. He hadn't listened to all of the audio completely, so he merely planned on listening to the audio that he hadn't had the time for yet.

CCG Dove Juuzou Suzuya killed Yamori, a week after Hide managed to place said tracking device on his neck. It was eleven days worth of recordings, so obviously there has to be some information. Maybe...just maybe, although it'll be rare, it could be about Kaneki. Just maybe, though. It would be unexceptionally rare if that were to happen.

Hide ran his slender fingers through his brown hair (he'll need to bleach it soon) and stared down at the black flash drive inserted into said slot. After a minute of just blankly gazing at it, he opened up the screen of his laptop. Then, he began to run the flash drive, clicking this where and that until finally he could play the audio correctly. He then skipped to the end, which is what he didn't listen to.

"Jeez, you can barley hear anything..." hide murmured, and he plugged in his headphones to the laptop. The audio was then loud and clear, so he silently rested his head on his arms. The first part was about taking someone (the name was garbled, for some reason, so he didn't know who), and dragging them to some where. Yamori whispered to someone to put them in the cellar (whatever that meant). Suddenly the next part (after some boring talk with other Aogiri members) rose to Hide's attention.

There was a bunch of clanging, oddly, and the wording was garbled. Though, he knows it wasn't the audio. In fact, Yamori could be heard, clarity refining his stone hard voice, but the other person had garbled, incomprehensible words. In fact...it sounded like they were choking on their own tears.

"545...538..." Finally, the other's voice was audible, and his stomach twisted. He recognized that voice from anywhere. He always did. It was Kaneki. Ironically, he thought earlier that it'd be rare if the slightest mention of Eyepatch would be sought out...but no. In fact, Yamori was there...

Kaneki was spilling out numbers, counting down by 7's. Every time he would scream louder and louder, make an imperceptible gasping noise, and then gargle something. It was either blood, saliva, tears, or something else. The deranged screams drawled on for what seemed like hours, followed by the noise of pliers clacking and cutting through something and the ringing of a bucket. Hide could already guess what was happening. Yamori was doing something to Kaneki, he wasn't sure what, and using pliers. He then would proceed to throw whatever he just cut off into a bucket. And because Kaneki would regenerate since he's a ghoul, there would be more opportunities to torture him with.

Hide gritted his teeth, feeling the horrified, guttural screams shake his bones and his insides (he was sure it was the same for Kaneki, and probably quite literally at that). He started to tremble with worry, wondering what was Kaneki's mental stability. Hide perked at the voice of Yamori, whom spoke in an uncanny cheerful voice (one that spoke insanity).

"Ka-neki-kun! Time for another round!" Yamori exclaimed, shoes rapping against the tile. Concrete? Sounds like tile. Hide's stomach lurched at his voice, listening. He went through his entire goddamn back story, Kaneki not making the slightest sound. Goddamn, if Hide wanted to know his sad, tragic anime story or whatever, he would've fucking asked. He wants to know how Kaneki is doing. Not how Yamori lived a sad goddamn torturous life as a ghoul.

Suddenly, he brought out a random topic, making Hide cringe. He slowly brought the trash can to the bottom of his chair, knowing he might throw up at any moment.

Bad Ending // DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now