update | announcement

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hey, it's the author of the series (obviously)! i just wanted to inform you that i am unfortunately discontinuing this series. it's not that my love for hidekane has diminished—the couple will always hold a special place—it's just i feel like i've milked hidekane to the best of my capacity without it sounding repetitive and boring. plus, i just feel bummed out that hidekane isn't a prominent... i don't know, relationship, in the manga anymore. not that that's particularly a bad thing, but i've kind of lost the inspiration and flair that i needed to write this relationship. so i sincerely apologize to those who have been awaiting an update (especially the ouran one), and thank those who have read this series! it's teetering on the edge of two years old, which is saddening. i'm still keeping the series up but it is (for now until further notice) discontinued for the time being. so that's that. again, i thank you for reading this series, voting, commenting your input, et cetera.

furthermore, i haven't stopped writing. my last work was completed i believe in may of 2016 (perhaps?) and as you could probably tell i haven't totally lost my lack-luster. so i don't have the plans to stop writing in all, just this story.

i haven't watched any new anime except for that very gay, very cold ice skating anime that took the world by storm. and trust me, that honestly struck a chord with me. so, you can assume there will be a series of oneshots like i did for hidekane—viktuuri centric this time i suppose. this time, i think, it'll be less tragic oneshots. (implementing tragedy in hidekane was a hard thing to do, believe it or not, and it was such a common theme that it became repetitive.) (with viktuuri, however, i don't really have to focus on such a theme and instead delve into more open aspects considering it's a very loving anime.) (that's to not to say tragedy won't occur—because it will.)

i am sad to discontinue this series, but i hope all of you have taken joy in the little i've written.

expect a yuri on ice story in the future, but for now, ciao!

— Shirokane (why am i signing off? i don't know it seems proper)

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