xv. safe and sound

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Do you ever have those days where the sky matches your feelings? Yeah. That's how Kaneki felt at the moment. The sky was a dull grey. It was like someone decided to throw a grey blanket over the sky and sprinkle white on top of the ground to make the entire goddamn world monochrome.

A cold wind brushed through, and he shuddered. His cheeks were already tinted with pink, and snow was starting to gather on his hair. Small snowflakes kissed his eyelashes. Shaking his head and whipping his hair back and forth, he ran his fingers along the green stems of the sunflowers. It wasn't necessarily season appropriate, the flowers, but it did match the occasion. After all, meeting up with Hide, well...It would be somewhat rude if he didn't bring his boyfriend flowers.

Kaneki inhaled and exhaled, gazing at the frosty puffs of air. He passed the black metal gate, trudging through the snow and following the cobblestone path that winded through different stones. He could see a couple of figures here and there, but they were distant and far away. Brushing his white hair away from his eyes, he scanned for Hide, before he saw it. Veering off the path, he took a seat next to him, placing the flowers carefully onto the snow.

"Hey, Hide..." He greeted, smiling softly. The wind whistled. He brushed the snow from the stone, allowing him to read the engraved words on the grave. Shaking his head, he began to talk to Hide's grave.

"Yeah, Tsukiyama's been acting weird again. He keeps smelling at my hair and..." Kaneki paused, pressing his knees to his chest. He rapped his fingers against the stone, straining to hear. He wished Hide could talk to him. Or he wished he could talk to Hide in person. Whichever one was fine.

"Is it okay if I sing? Maybe? Hopefully. I used to do it all the time when we were kids, so I hope that's fine with you."

"Just close your eyes,
The sun is going down.
You'll be alright.
No one can hurt you now.
Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe and sound."

A bitter tear slipped from Kaneki's eyes, and he gritted his teeth. It wasn't fair that Hide was taken away from him. It wasn't fair. None of this was ever fair.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to cry. I just love you so much, and I can't bear it now that you're gone. I'm sorry. I love you so much. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I have to get going before the CCG comes. Sorry, but I won't join you just this yet. I still have to keep fighting...for you." Kaneki brushed the snow off his pants before kissing the grave stone.

It was a lie-the song.

Neither of them would be safe and sound.

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