xxi. holy matrimony

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You think to yourself, you love him.

You are his best friend. He is everything to you, but you sometimes wonder if it goes both ways. But you shove that depressing thought to the deepest shelves of your mind, laughing at such a preposterous thought. Because he loves you, and you love him, and everything will be alright. Everything... including you.

You stand nervously in front of the mirror, gazing at your reflection. For once, it's not disheveled, and you're not in tattered clothes. If anything, you look dashingly handsome. You're not chiseled or anything, that's for sure. The charcoal hair, the pale skin–you are a rather bland appearance. Sometimes you wished you looked 'exotic,' perhaps white hair, but you decide against it. After all, that would just bring back those nightmares. The nightmares that used to haunt you, that is. Not anymore, because he drove them away. He was like a blessing in disguise, the light to guide you home.

Your hand reaches up to adjust the silk black tie that loops around your neck. But your hands are shaking so much that you just can't fix it yourself. It's crooked. You stare helplessly at it like a lost puppy, and you can remember a specific memory.

Recalling to the time when you and him were getting ready for graduation (now that seems like years ago, and with a start, you realize it was years ago), you smile and reminisce when he fixed your tie for you. He admonished the fact that you simply didn't know how to tie a fickle thing, but he apologized after a while. After all, you did not have a father to teach you such mannerisms. He must have realized that. You admire him for his consideration, and are always so glad for it.

You're brought back to Earth. The cold air of the church relaxes you, but as the words church echo into your mind, you panic. Today is the big day. Taking a deep breath to retain your exterior image, you finally muster the ability to fix your tie. Touka, your violet haired co-worker, is beside you, rushing around to fix her makeup. She said it looked uneven, which you can understand. Hide resorted to choosing Touka as the Matron of Honor, as he didn't have any other choice, really. After all, you both drifted away from the lot of females ever since the end of University, but he was a good friend of Touka anyways.

"Oi, Kaneki! Help me with this!" She says, desperately. You smile, walking gracefully (hopefully you walk like that when you walk down the aisle) towards her. Everything will be fine, you think, as you carefully clasp the silver necklace together. It's a simple pendant with a small heart locket, and you realize that it's the one that Yoriko gave to her so many years ago. It's the perfect accessory for the white dress she's wearing. Although, if you had to be honest, she looks a bit suffocated. Perhaps it's the corset that she insisted on wearing, because she believes her body is not fitted for her beautiful white dress. While you and Yoriko persisted that her body is perfect, she doesn't listen.

Oh well.

Touka scoffs, and she looks and steps in front of you to look at herself. You're right behind her, and you notice that her eyes are holding an emotion you're familiar with. Sadness, was it? Her eyes were somber, but the smile on her face stated otherwise. Maybe you're just seeing things. After all, isn't it amazing that she gets to be the Matron of Honor? Shouldn't she be happy?

"What's wrong, Touka?" You ask. Because while she doesn't have the best personality, you still owe her everything for helping you cope with the stress of this marriage. You owe her everything because of how much she's helped you in the past years.

"It's just...I didn't think this day would come so fast. The big day, y'know?" Touka's voice lowers to a whisper, and you nod in response to her blatant statement. Matrimony is a very big deal, so. Even you didn't think it would come so fast, here it is.

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