xix. injury

306 21 16

Let's play a game...

The poor boy was straining to hear. His hearing was muffled, after all, the centipede that Jason had put in his ear appeared to have damaged his eardrums slightly. But of course, it wasn't impossible to hear. Merely, it was just...static in the background, so to say.

The white haired boy shook the chains that clasped around his wrists. The blindfold that wrapped across his face was growing tighter by the second as he continued to crane his head around, trying to source the noise. He felt panicked-was it Jason again? Fear rattled his bones. Cold, dry fear clutched at his blood curdling scream, in which no sound managed to even come out. After all...he doesn't even think he's capable of screaming after all these days of coping with the constant torture.

"Kaneki!" Jason shouted in an exhilarated voice. Kaneki shivered, clutching his eyes shut even though he could not see anyway. Stress creased around his mouth. He craned his neck to listen more, trying his best to block out the background static.

It wasn't just Jason. He could hear that. There was muffled, almost imperceptible, screaming. One make, two females, judging from their scent and voice. Kaneki couldn't help but wonder if it was the group that he had sacrificed for.

"Let's play a game, Kaneki." Jason cackled, and Kaneki's lips pressed together. The static was now fading. Was that a good thing? He wasn't sure himself. The muffled whimpering grew louder. Or was it that it grew clearer? Whatever the matter, he was now concerned as to whether who they were and what game Jason was talking about.

"I don't tell boring lies, right?" Jason asked, and Kaneki nodded, slowly but surely. He knew that; Jason said it many times before. Followed by this question, there was ripping noises, and then heavy silence, before everyone began screaming at once. It was loud. It was noisy. He wanted them to shut up. It was hurting his brain.

"Please stop..." Kaneki whispered at them, and Jason laughed at the bluntness of his voice. Nothing less was expected of poor old Kaneki Ken, of course.

"So, Kaneki. I have a game to play with you and your little Anteiku friends."

His words sank in. It took a moment for Kaneki to comprehend what he meant, and when he did...

"No. No. No. No, no, no, no, no! NO, NO, NO!" The tortured boy screamed, realizing what was happening. Two females, one male. Right?

"LET THEM GO! LET THEM GO!" Kaneki screamed, shaking in his chair. They were screaming too. Who were they? He couldn't tell, their voices were too mixed, similar. Why couldn't he tell? Who were they? Touka? Nishiki? Who were they? Who were they? Was it his fault? His fault, his fault, his fault, his fault his fault his faulthisfault.

"Kaneki, shut up." Jason ordered. He bent down to Kaneki's face, rasping into his face. God, his breath smelled like rotten fish. Was he eating human food? Or...maybe, most likely, another ghoul. Obediently, Kaneki did, however, considering how he didn't know the people nor how that would effect the others.

"Look at them." Jason untied the dirty blindfold from Kaneki's eyes, letting it fall into his lap before tugging it back into his hands. Light, so much light. There was too much light. How long has he been blindfolded? Three days? Out of the eight days he's been here so far. His vision was disoriented, and there was five of everything, before everything aligned into a clear figure. Jason was standing in front of him, his forefinger under his thumb, cracking it. He grinned with malice at Kaneki, before he moved out of the way.

His heart leaped into his throat. Touka, his Touka, his beautiful, loving Touka-God, what did they do to her? One of her eyes were closed-swollen, judging from the nasty purple color that enveloped it. The other was staring straight at Kaneki, looking horrified and desperate. Blood stained her cheeks and clothes. She was chained to a chair, similar to Kaneki's, and she seemed fairly weak. Many deep cuts lined her legs and arms, but they weren't healing at all. Her stomach had a large gash. It was way too deep; it could get infected. Touka's mouth moved to say something, but Jason slapped her across the face. It landed a sickening crack, and Kaneki shook in his chair. He's going to kill him. She gave him a warning glance, looking down at her lap in reluctance.

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