An Ending Leads To A Beginning

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* A/N: Oliver and Felicity have not been in a relationship, and Iris is openly lesbian. Italics mean that either something is said in the aforementioned person's head or it's text like a sign.

Barry sighed, today was his last day in Central City. He had sold the apartment, he talked with Singh to set up a transfer to SCPD. There was truly nothing left to do, except sign the paper. The paper giving ownership of STAR Labs to Iris. 

He couldn't think of anyone else to give it to, Cisco left with Kamilla, Joe and Cecile had a baby to take care of, and Chester might blow the place up. Barry sighed, he took the pen and scribbled his signature above the line. It was done, now he just had to mail it. 

Barry walked to the post office, as it was a nice change of pace from running. He plopped the envelope inside, and walked away.

That wasn't too hard was it?  A voice in Barry's head said.

Barry was used to it, it had developed when he was a kid. Barry began to think of it as its own personality, it was a more brave and snarky version of himself. 

Barry glanced to both sides and sped off, bags in hand, to Star City. 


Iris walked out of her apartment. It had only been two days, but she found life without Barry in the city a little boring, Barry was always so joyful and made her day, but he was in Star City now and he was happy. 

She was about to walk out of the complex, when a young woman said "Ms. West, you have mail."

That was odd, there was no reason for her to have mail. But she opened her box anyway.

Inside, was a small, crisp white envelope. Iris opened it.

It said:

With this paperwork, Iris West will be given full ownership of S.T.A.R. Labs. 

Previous Owner Name: Bartholomew Henry Allen

New Owner Name: Iris Ann West

Iris gasped as she scanned the document, she knew it wasn't a joke when her eyes saw Barry's signature at the bottom of the page.

Barry had given her ownership of STAR Labs.


Barry sighed, he sat in his brand new apartment, a few boxes sat scattered around that Barry hadn't touched yet.

The apartment was already furnished, and Barry sat on the couch staring at the brown box in front of him.

It wasn't labeled, but Barry knew what was in it. 

He was about to pry it open when his phone buzzed. New crime scene.

Saved by the bell.

Singh told Barry that Lance would be harder on him, so Barry made sure not to be late.

He had secretly run to an alley across the street from the scene.

When Barry showed up on time, Captain Lance seemed rather pleased.

"Allen. We have a robbery, we think four perps according to witnesses." Lance explained.

"Actually it was six guys. Only four came through the front entrance, but another two came from the back to get to the vault." Barry said, walking all over the bank with Lance at his heels.

"Impressive Allen, Singh was right, you do get you're work done." Lance praised and walked away.

Barry finished swabbing evidence and gave it to the other forensic, asking if she wanted a coffee while she worked. She nodded.

Barry picked up the coffees, but first made a stop at the new Arrow cave.

Barry couldn't find the entrance to the sub level, so he phased into it.

"Wow, this place is awesome!" Barry said.

Almost instantly an arrow and two bullets shot at him. 

Barry entered flashtime and caught them. placing the bullets in the trash and the arrow back in Oliver's quiver.

"Jeez, a little hospitality." Barry joked.

"Sorry, we're a little on edge." Oliver said.

Barry didn't notice, but Oliver started to have feelings for him at that moment.

"New villain?" Barry asked, the team nodded.

Among the team now were three new faces.

Oliver noticing Barry's confusion piped up, "The one in the hockey mask is Rene Ramirez, our new Black Canary, Dinah Drake, and that's Curtis Holt."

"Okay, hi, I'm Barry Allen, CSI at SCPD." Barry said, but at the last comment, Diggle, Felicity, and Oliver gave him a look.

"You're a CSI in Star City now?" Oliver asked, but before Barry could answer Felicity jumped in.

"You're working in Star and you didn't call us!?" Felicity asked, a hint of anger in her voice.

"Yeah... I was just trying to move in and get situated." Barry said bashfully.

Oliver felt his face heat up, the look on Barry's face was adorable.

"Wait... Move in?" Felicity asked, "You're living here!"

Barry nodded, Oliver felt the heat escalate.

"Well I gotta go, I promised someone coffee." Barry said, as he sped out.

"How are you guys used to that?" The new recruits and Diggle asked in unison.


As Barry ran, he felt himself blushing.

Why did the room get hotter when he saw Oliver? 

Handsome, charming, Ol- no, you're not in love with Oliver Queen.

Am I?

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