Caged and Free

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*This is in the Flash, the episode Don't Run. I took out Caitlin being kidnapped, because I already have to write three different perspectives, and that's a lot...

"Barry, get up." A familiar voice yelled.

Barry sat up and put on a pair of pants, before opening the door.

"Hey Ollie." Barry said as Oliver walked in.

Oliver blushed, and stared at Barry's chest.

"How's your villain? Prometheus?" Barry asked.

"Not very villainous as of late." Oliver replied, still blushing.

Barry just walked into the kitchen for some coffee.

Before grabbing the pot he slid a shirt over his head.

"Want a coffee? It's not Jitters, but it's pretty good." Barry asked.

"Yeah, don't add anything to it though." Oliver replied.

"I'm Oliver Queen, and I only drink coffee that's as black as night." Barry mocked.

Oliver burst out in laughter.

Barry grabbed their coffee's and joined Oliver at the table.

"How's DeVoe?" Oliver asked.

"Apparently worse than Prometheus, he's been a pain in the ass." Barry replied.

Oliver nodded, then he brought his phone to his ear as the phone kept pinging throughout their conversation.

"Yes? I'm on my way." Oliver said, on the phone with someone.

"I got to go, we got a location on a new vigilante in the Glades, one with more murderous tendencies." Oliver explained, running out.


After Oliver running out Barry decided to go to STAR Labs to work on tracking DeVoe, despite everyone else's thoughts on him.

After hours of clicking away at a keyboard, he got a ping in a random alley...

He ran over, and made sure to ditch his comms and the emblem of his suit, which housed the tracker for the suit.

The alley was empty, and the only noise was from nearby cars.

Barry checked the alley a little in case DeVoe left any evidence behind.

"Hello Mr. Allen." DeVoe said, in his evil, floaty chair.

DeVoe tased the speedster, who went limp. DeVoe teleported himself and the speedster away.


"Barry! Barry, can I come in?" Oliver asked, before picking the lock. 

The speedster wasn't in the apartment, so Oliver drove to STAR Labs.

Oliver walked into the cortex, to find all of Team Flash...

Except Barry.

"Where's Barry?" Oliver asked the team.

"We don't know, we thought he was with you." Cisco answered.

"Wait, there's a window open... The map is zoomed in on... a random alley?" Oliver pointed out.

"Well, let's go there, find something for me to Vibe." Cisco said, opening a breach for him and Oliver.

The alley seemed normal, and they were left with no leads as to where Barry could be.

"Can you just vibe him without touching anything?" Iris asked.

"I can try." Cisco said, touching his hands to his head to vibe Barry.

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