Is Something There?

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Oliver was shocked. Barry Allen, one of the nicest people he had ever met, a bully?

It was hard to believe, but easy to at the same time.

It would explain all of the odd behaviour.

But if Barry and this, Sebastian, shared the same consciousness... How would he know which one to ask out? He wants to ask out Barry not Sebastian.

But Barry never seemed to show any interest in Oliver.

So it leaves him to wonder:

Is something there?


Barry was fuming. They listened to his story, they seemed to understand. But no.

They looked at him like a charity case.

Barry felt Sebastian take over.

Damn it Seb, I have work in the morning. You have too short of a fuse for CSI work.

"I'm going to let you go to work in the morning. Just let me have a minute to breathe." Sebastian replied to Barry's complaint.

Ugh. Fine.

Sebastian laughed.

"So Barry, how do these powers work?" Sebastian asked.

No, you're not going to go speed around like an idiot.

Sebastian scoffed, and let Barry take control.

"Thank you, now let me go to sleep." Barry said.

Fine, just because you're a hardass.

Barry scoffed and fell asleep quickly.


The Next Morning~

The alarm blared in Barry's ears.

"Sebastian Smythe! Did you turn the volume up on my alarm!" Barry yelled.

Hehe, yes...

"You ass." Barry muttered before speeding out of the complex to grab a coffee.

He ended up running to Central City for it, because he missed Jitters.

"Barely made it on time." Barry breathed. 

Barry went to his desk, where a new stack of cases sat.

He sped through them and waited for a call, any call.

They're not going to call you. I don't think you chose great friends. Sebastian whispered.

"Shut up, you dumbass." Barry muttered, working on his last case of the day.

His phone rang and he smirked.

Yeah, yeah, I get the message.

"Hey, Ollie!" Barry said.

"Hey Barry, can you come over to my loft?" Oliver asked over the phone.

"Yeah, give me five minutes to finish up work, and I'll be there." Barry replied.


Five And A Half Minutes Later~

A flash of light filled the loft for a split second before Barry appeared in the room.

"Hey Ollie, what did you need?" Barry asked.

Oliver came closer, and asked, "Will you go on a date with me?"

Barry blushed, a lot.

"Yes, I've been waiting for you to ask that, or for me to gain the courage to ask that." Barry admitted.

Oliver smiled, and hugged the speedster.

Well look at that, it finally happened. Because someone, which should have been you, grew a pair of balls.

Barry rolled his eyes.

"Sebastian?" Oliver asked.

Barry nodded, it felt weird to talk about his other half.

"Would you like a proper introduction?"Barry asked the archer.

Oliver nodded, and Barry gave control to Sebastian.

Ba- Sebastian stood and shook hands with Oliver.

"Sebastian Smythe." Sebastian said, smirking.

Oliver just laughed.

You idiot, you're falling head over heels for him too and you know it!

Barry took back control and smiled.

"I think he likes you." Barry joked.

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